
And a spanking merry Christmas to you too

Instalment 2 of the Guest Wordsmith series [Chrissy Edition]:

Ms. Aarthi

And a spanking merry Christmas to you too. Yes, its that time of the year again, when we all ham it up to get into the spirit of Giving. Hogwash if you ask me. We are all liars and we fool little children to be as ignorant as us too. Which six year old of the right mind would actually believe Santa would be so unfashionable as to ride around in a tight, red unflattering suit? For those of you who think your kids are so adorable because they really believe in Santa, I'd suggest you send them for an IQ test soon enough.

My idea of Christmas? Screw the whole falsities of the spirit and all that. Lets all dress up in Santarina outfits, get a whip and spank em naughty boys. In any case if you think that I'm sexed up, too bad for you. You can't whoop me cos this aint my blog. Muahahhaa.

But really,when did we let everything get so commercialized that the Xmas spirit itself became a must-have. People start doing the, its Xmas, can you stop being so mean. Eh hello, I will be mean whenever I want to. My calendar is there to show me the dates not the decorum!

Nevertheless, since I'm the only ungiving one here. I mean after all, someone has to receive or else all your spirits will be broken. So here's my Spankin List for a spanking Xmas.. all gifts can be sent through the Genius of course.

Buy Me This,Buy Me that!

1.A new computer
yes, I blog and type and chat with my sister's laptop.surely someone out there is kind enough to do me that favor right.

2.Wads of Cash
do I even have to explain this?

3.A trip to Thailand or Hong Kong.
I do need to go shopping with all the wads of cash you're getting me right?

4.An Automated Boyfriend.
He must be able to respond to commands and most importantly do what I want him to.
Blue eyes would be a bonus

5.A Whip
how am I supposed to make the automated boyfriend respond to my whims and woes? Plus, the old one doesn't work so well either. Over-used I say.

Do remember to send all presents(others are also accepted) through the Genius. And while I'm at it, some blatant advertising for my own blog. I'm too good.

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"From a commercial point of view, if Christmas did not exist it would be necessary to invent it. "


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