
Drunken Night Out

I was gone. Yesterday I was fuckin gone. Wasted. Drunk. Sloshed. Whatever you call it. The brain was alive but the legs don't feel like walking. My adventure on the dark side. I drink a lot, yes i do, 4 times a week actually. It's only to the lead up of examinations and the exam period that I realize and convince myself I aint an alcoholic. So, I'm not.

I'll write bout the watering holes another time. Tonight, it's the ever popular blame game. I blame you Zaki Masturi. KNN..if you hadn't spouted minute after minute "I'm gone..i'm gone" I wouldnt have psychologically asked my sub conscious why I'm not gone yet. You asshole, did i not warn you drinking while sleepy aint gonna help anyone least of all me. N your pathetic decision making, I hate you la. Hahaha.

Me and Zaki, we've shared a lot. Aint the closest of pals, but it seems we pop up around one another all the time. Secondary school, boarding, Uni. I treasure your friendship, your fashion advice [oh yeah, especially on how to pluck your own eyebrows ~_^], and of course the nonsense you MATS come up with time and time again. Who else can I single out for a 50 buck loan only to be paid back in 2 weeks. It seemed not long ago, that we drank together. My Baron's present for you, that Beng Kwee Lo we snogged in the bathroom, that fateful night with candles and vodka at Macritchie. All at sweet 16. Impressive. And it took 7 years for us to drink again.

Well here is, my cheers to many more good nights out, this time keep your mouth shut bout getting high, so I wont think bout it, and wont get drunk too. ;) All in all, a good jug of whiskey dry was wasted cos you insisted on getting zoned out. U owe me for that, and cut that grin off your face. Or I'll throw some jutsu to counter it. Salaam.

Zaki on the right, Ariff on the left

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