
Why's everybody always picking on me?

This is for you, you dumb fuck nobody-loves-me, why's everybody always picking on me piece of cunt licking pussy. Please, don't impose your insecurities on me, on Arul, on anyone else you think is within your sphere of influence. Cos, there is no sphere, even if there was you probablydon't even know what shape a sphere is you cock-sucking, shoe-stealing motherfucker.
Courtesy of the bloodhound gang [amazingly Vanilla Ice is involved with them]:

"Why's everbody always pickin' on me' ?

Cause my fifteen year-old cousin has less acne

But why's everbody always pickin' on me'

Ain't brushed them teeth since 1983

But why's everbody always pickin' on me'

Cause you got the grooming habits of a chimpanzee

Whys everbody always pickin' on me'

Cause ya wore velour flares until the late eighties

But why's everbody always pickin' on me'

Cause you run like a girl and sit down to pee

But why's everbody always pickin' on me'

Cause your only school chum was the canteen lady

But why's everbody always pickin' on me'

You took your mom to the prom but still got lucky

But why's everbody always pickin' on me'

Cause no one likes you monkey boy

The Bloodhound Gang

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