
Long weekend

It's been a really long ass weekend. I cannot take these drinking binges. To binge is to imbibe large amounts of alcohol is a fuckin short period of time. Side effects include, knocking on the wrong door, kissing men who just soo seem like women with moustaches, and of course knocking your friendly neighbourhood punching bag.

I want to forget this weekend. It never happened. I think I shall start tomorrow on a fresh page. No more angst, now it's going to be intellect.

Devan Nair died. I share the grief. He was a great orator of his time, JBJ in fact took quite a few cues from him. And LKY also did depend in the early stages on Devan Nair to scalp PAP victories. The most depressing thing about this ex-President of ours was that he was an alcoholic, at the time of his Presidency which resulted in him stepping down [definitely due to loads of pressure from the government] and of course his utter denial that he ever had a drinking problem in the first place.

Note to Straits Times: Don't start off a piece by glorifying the founder of NTUC and even within the same column remind the reader that he had a drinking problem. Praise the man goddamit, cos without influential and gregarious speakers like him, the British would never have realized the true threat of Communism, thus paving the way for much of the independence process. And he was a PRESIDENT! You really think S R Nathan, Wee Kim Wee, Yusof Ishak had no shortcomings even in their youth? It's time to remember a great man, long forgotten because he refused to come back to Singapore a land he helped to build. Well at least, he realized his true longing for his homeland by wanting his remains brought here.

Thus, here goes. A toast to C.V. Devan Nair, ex-president, union activist and founding father of Singapore. Hip Hip Hooray!

I need to end this here. Standby for blogicide, I have my ten cents worth on it in a bit, my 2 cents are free. Adieu!

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