
Of Bowling and Pool

Today I brought my younger brother and our cousin out bowling. Sounded exciting last night when he told me bout it. Didnt sound the same when I woke up at noon. Sheesh, I hate daylight. Daylight, sunlight, fark even the beautiful setting evening sun that brings tears to ppl more metro than me pisses me off. Well ok, so we went and I realize I was with 2 bowling virgins.

Now, I have no problem with virgins. I just have a problem with patience. I hate to teach. Do not tell my tuition kids that, but yeah sometimes I just zone out there and then when I'm with them thinking how best to shut up that darn irritating "Teacher...teacher...how to do this..how to do that..where is this put" and of course the first word every fella who enters pri 1 learns.


why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why.

This word irritates me SO much, I even had to use ctrl c and v to output the above lines.

Ok, so we reached the friggin bowl. Nostalgia rushes in, ah, this is where I thrashed my dear old JC friend when he tried showing off during maths lect. Ok, now the lesson. Dear boys, that's a bowl, that's a lane, that's a frame, that's a game. This's a spare, this's a strike. Don't worry bout the turkey, it's not for punks like you.

Of course, as all "positive examples of leadership" should do, you should step up to the plate, and show how its done. As was expected of me, 9 years their senior, supposedly bowling and blowing in my dreams. This is where i panicked. I never bruff you. I fuckin told myself. Hong kan ah! All I gotta do to ruin my face here, is bowl into the gutter. I also never bruff you this, I prayed. I didnt even pray to stay in school when I saw my result slip full of Fs. But, I prayd, that at least 5 pins got knocked down. Stepped up.

And striked. Damn! I'm good. Face saved, I proceed to start my lecture full swing. Ball control, release angle, direction of body. Every damn nuance just to confuse 2 14 yr old boys that I am the supreme master and will remain so. God forbid they find a game they excel in better than me. I heard both of em are into computer games a lot these days.

Guess what I'm doing?

C:\ run fifa2006.exe

No time to waste.

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