
Report Card

Priceless comment from Edison my 3SG colleague:

"Wait ...Wait...Wait...Am I missing something over here? Since when do people jump for joy even though they got 4 Fs in their results slip. Is this some university thing that we poly ppl don know about"

Ok, la...i did get 4 Fs but so what. I managed to stay in school. Those close to me would know that I;ve already got kicked out of school once, came back by appeal and endured a "God will punish those who fail again this sem cos the PM said don't waste taxpayer's money subsidizing failures' school fees" talk from the Vice Dean. As you would know, we Singaporeans only pay about $2,900 of the $5,900 school fees per sem.

Yeah, I was happy, overjoyed. This time around I wanna make it good. Try and keep it up to date. that shall be my one and only resolution for the New Year. 2006 has a nice ring to it, why waste it yeah.

Typical mother's sentiment: Since u decided to buck up and stop being an alcoholic.... Why don't u quit that 'karmam' a.k.a. "sin" of smoking too. Now this is going overboard la, why disturb my fags all, that is inbred.

No one even peer pressured me into smoking, I walked up to my mamak shop one fine day in Pri 6 and told the uncle, Lucky Strikes. That's like the only brand I knew then cos my dad smoked it. Since then it has been a whirlwind affair with that slim slender stick, from brands that spanned continents and flavours that can only be described as heaven when inhaled first thing in the morning or after a freaking heavy 10 course dinner.

So, to all who know and love me out there. Say anything cept bout this shiet. Don't be a broken record la, I'll stop when I get a life threatening disease ok? Oh yes, bout the eyes, apparently it's not some fucking disease afterall, just that since i'm a black man, I have a lot of melanin. And i have it in my eyes too, so with constant exposure to the sun, my eyes can get tanned too. Interesting, apparently more common with Africans. Haiz, no wonder my mum calls me "kaataan" aka "jungle man" now and then.

Oh well, raining now, mood is severely dampened save for one brave soul who is in constant sms with me since 2 last morning. I thank ye cha bor for the heat u've taken, and you have a merry little xmas too. Unless of course, you're stuck in Orchard Rd in the rain. Then, go have a fucking merry xmas.

Tip to the non-streetwise: Don't spray ah bengs with snow spray cans on Orchard Rd tonight. They might be holding the cans, but it's not for you. It's for the dumb fuck Banglas and Uurus who want to partake in the nation's celebration. Keep out of the way, or the only red and white christmas you'll see is the blood running down your white pressed Raoul shirt.


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