
Kushi and Tabla

Yesterday was a Friday night. A night I was supposed to stay in or at least not stay out late so I could keep my Saturday morning plans alive.

Alas, dumb fuck me, had to test the odds. Firstly, the apology. I'm so so sorry my dear, I didnt mean to. I mean I was awake, but still fuckin shack. And you keep giving me the option to flee. SO i took it. Cos it's the lazy ass thing to do. Cos I'm laziness epitomized. And yeah, not defending my case but don't angry k. I'll make it up to u. IF you don't throw your nice white shoes at me. I'll even let you beat me up [of course, the rule still stands: not in a public place].

As I was saying, last night. On second thoughts now, I should have just stayed home. A lot of shit hit the fan. For starters, it is a real sickening feeling when you get bored barely 15 mins after saying the hellos and sitting down at a club. Cos, then you start thinking, why it's still 12 and how u're gonna last till 6. Then what sickens you is the freaking evident politics that almost always covers a club like the proverbial dark cloud.

If you don't see why a club/pub/watering hole can have politics. It's simple. You just have not been a 'regular' at a certain joint before. You're probably the 'roving' type. Whereas the people I know and myself prefer to hit the same joint week after week. In this way, the bartender, security staff, waiter and owner will be on your first name basis.

And aint everyone looking for CHEERS: Where everyone knows your name.

If you don't remember that series or the song, it's ok. Don't rattle your brain too much.

Oh ya, footnote, Cheekys is closing. On the 26th if I'm not wrong. IF you're an ardent fan and want to know where they're moving to. I have no idea..couldn't care less too. Cos I won't be there, neither was I there last night.

So, at the first place I was at, the politics resulted in urmz a couple of fellas sporting blood stains on their white shirts and later laughing it off as a scratch. The blood donator however I didnt get to see. Fella must have grabbed the first cab and hauled ass. Terrifying? Nope. Irritating? Definitely. Cos, for starters no one wants the music stopped. And you know whenever there's a scuffle, the music always stops. Except in Raagawood, there the band plays on even if some drunk clown flies into the bass drums.

So, all bored, and irritated with the damn tension, I got conned into following 3 clowns to Kushi. This is one club I really hope someone has the good judgement to close down, fast. I have been to Indian clubs and gone thru nights WITHOUT witnessing a fight. But at N.Indian places, it's a guarantee. So it did happen. Although not in the classical sense of the word. The night ended close to 5+ am, with a good buddy of mine getting arrested. His elder brother pleading with the cops and me getting brushed off by another cop although I was pretty adamant that he was the victim and the assaulter was kinda standing freakin 3 feet away!

The inefficiencies of the police force. When you don't need them, they're crowding all over the place tripping on themselves. Like the police cars in Need For Speed. When you do need them, they arrive late, and catch the wrong fella. Reminds me of the time I got arrested. Now this is a hoot. I have no idea why I went in, but I was out in the morning liao, with nary a charge. IT was a goddamn waste of manpower and time and probably the only thing it achieved was probably our dear young NSF corporal's quota of the day. Well fuck you, understand!

Oh yes, did you know that if you have the misfortune to get caught in a CNB raid, that even if you DIDNT test positive for any known drug, it is still considered an arrest? And you'll be released on personal bail. If your only contact with the men in blue is thru "Dear MR Policeman" in Pri 4, then personal bail is permission granted for you to leave police custody and you gotta come back on another stipulated date just to let the bail lapse. I.e. to say a goddamn waste of your mudderfucking time. So, yeah, it's sad times we live in when you're innocent but yet out on bail. Think about it.

That's about it. I'm tired. and oh yeah, VotE PAP. So we can get more ERS.


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