

The Ny show sucked. To the core.

The most appalling show I've witnessed and I thought no one can beat the sheer boredom of SAJC's Thai Maatha Thendral we used to go see.

Back in my days, there were only 2 shows worth watching. ACJC's and AJC's. That I belong to the AJ KLKommunity is not a point in contention cos its true. We were damn good at it. Entertaining KLKs to a frenzy that is.

Yesterday, I witnessed how total disorganization is necessary to con poor souls out of their ten dollars. 10 fuckin dollars u know? If you are gonna charge a round figure, at least show some all round entertainment.

The people didnt even STAND at the spotlights man .Then you put for whaT? Cos you paid the electricity bill already? Drama competition? Sounded like who could out bore who more?

Of course, I must admit the scripts were too intellectual for me to understand. TPJC does that a lot. Confuse the hell outa ppl with their scripts and get the judge's nod of approval.

When you book a 1000 seat auditorium, the least you could do is to use cordless mikes right? Was there really a need for the clowns who pranced bout between the segments to use the cordless ones? Wouldnt a standalone or a wired mike do? And instead pass the cordless ones over to the cast of the dramas. We couldnt hear bullshit man from way up there.

And never have I witnessed soo many graduated seniors coming back to help out in organizing a gig like this. At the doors, at the counters, dancing. Kudos to you fellas. But still, the thought remains? Really got not enuf Indians in your school to pull off a gig like this meh? So under-staffed means you shouldnt even have gone ahead with the project. Just a thought.

Also, to the punks who like studied in NY only for the first 3 months, and then fucked off to some other school and still came back to help.
Awwwwww, get a life. NY is not ur alumni. Don't bedek la, pisses me off when I know you were from my alumni.

But ultimately, in my point of view. Suck suck lor, at least they got almost 10K to swim around in after conning soo many ppl.

Thank god I had good company. OR I'd have been on the 74 back home within a half hour.


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