

I think it's best to characterize the days events in conversation mode.

Convo 1

Reena: You carebear.
Me: No, I not.
Reena: Yes, you look like one and very grandfatherly.
Me: No, I not. Also, no such thing as black care bear, rainbow no have black colour.
Reena: Yes, you is. You brown care bear.
A: Cannot la, he not big and fat and cuddly so cannot give big hugs.
Me: See? I'm right.
Reena: Hmmph.
A: Actually, I forgot how care bears look like, I go home check let you know again wat I think.
[Isn't she so politically correct?]

This is soo condensed from many many MSN and sms exchanges culminating in her trying to con my very good friend, A this morning into believing it too. Lucky A was more interested in her upcoming wisdom tooth extraction to actually bother to visualize me shooting rainbows from my tummy.

Convo 2

Grandma: So, what happened to that girl you showed me at your birthday party way back?
Me: Gone la. Didn't work out.
Grandma: Huh? Means what? You didnt like her or she was just a friend who accompanied you there or what?
Me: Used to date, didnt work out. *blur look*
Grandma: Get married soon la.
Me: How to? I don't even have a stable salary.
Grandma: You studying now what. Later sure got job then can worry bout salary. Just get hitched first.
Me: *Incredulous look, looking at the Staff Nurse for help*
Staff Nurse: *shrug*
Me: What's the bloody hurry, dont worry these issues all I quite kilat.
Grandma: Just don end up like your last uncle, old like buffalo still no girl.
Me: hur hur hur.

Now picture this entire convo in Tamil, explaining to 70 yr old grans in Tamil the term "didnt work out". Haha, to them, there's no such thing as didnt work out. What the fuck is didnt work out anyway? You like, you fuck, you marry. Oh wait, the order a bit wrong.

But finally discharged though, to all who knew and expressed concern, thank you. They DO take care of old ppl better in SGH. So friendly, summore my grans took like 1/2 hr just to say bye to all her ward mates of which 4 were discharged at the same time. Actually got 5, but she got discharged to heaven the night before. My grans said it was a good farewell party.

Only one bit I don't get, no matter how polite you gotta be when you're saying goodbye, the last thing you want to do at a hospital or funeral is say "Poyittu Varaen" [Bye, i'll be back]. Boosh!

Convo 3

Me: Why are you making Arul [my youngest brudder] tell on his cousin [they were born 4 days apart and in same school/standard]
Mum: Cos, his mum asked me to keep an eye on him.
Me: So, you are encouraging him to be a pao toh kia! He will die I tell you when the other boys in school know.
Mum: He's doing us a favour ok? Not his fault. Anyway the other boy is gettin from bad to worse, mixing with all the Indian boys and being mischievous.
Me: So? He likes indians la. I also do ICS stuff, my brother also do. Just cos, these boys look like anjadi you all wanna stop the fella?
Mum: You don know anything, they are very bad.
Me: Then you 2 clowns [mum n aunt] should have known before sending them to St. Gabs, its as good as a gangsta paradise. You send them there then now wanna control their movements, stupid right? And the cousin, he is a good soccer player also the parents don let him join soccer as a CCA sayin training will waste time n create injuries. WTF!
Mum: Aiyah. We just want to steer him to the right path.
Me: You should let ppl fuck around and do naughty stuff when they're 15 what. If not, they wil do it when they're 18 or 21.
Mum: Same.
Me: Lan jiao same. When ppl 15, they very happy just sit next to girl, rabba rabba or hug hug kiss kiss. You ask them do when they 18, you gonna have an unplanned grandchild standing at your doorstep.
Mum: It's not like that.What do you know about kids nowadays? I know how to raise my children. Not like you were an angel to raise.
Me: *Blood boil*
Me: Then why are we having this conversation. Just don make my brother a pao toh kia. The last fella who was a pao toh kia back in my BMT, didnt have a good nights rest for 2 months and slept with the broom under his blanket.
Mum: Not everybody is as violent as you.
Me: You want to see violent?

Haiz. There goes another broken mantelpiece.


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