
The Court of Tribulations

I have a street soccer court at my place. It used to be one of those square bits of concrete that ppl did everything from play badminton/sepak takraw/pepsi cola 1 -2- 3 on.

So then they built a nice court right so that the kids from the neighbourhood can play in a "legal" court instead of under the void deck and at the new amphitheatre. The amphitheatre especially, play there we not scared of cops but we scared of the old fogeys who run the RC who love to chong kong our ball. KNN.

Anyway, so it was built with fibreglass boards and all. A basic 4 walled court with netting for the goalposts. Needless to say, the users always found ways to fuck up the sights. Vandalize the boards, even break it cos it was too much of a hassle to jump over it to get into the courts. The netting was gone in 2 days flat. Prolly someone liked it better than us and brought it home to sieve his marble collection with.

So, in a few years, the court got upgraded a coupla times. Fibreglass made way for concrete walls. Fences were erected around the court to keep the ball in. Even raised a while later cos we still managed to inevitably either a 4 yr old child or a 400 yr old ah soh who occupy the children's playground right behind it.

Then the pivotal point. One fine day, after a street soccer tourney held there, we the scruffians, managed to lobby the MP into promising to install floodlights so we can play all the way till the legal time of 10.Or was it 1030? 1100? Ah fuck la, rules are always different depending on whether u break em via soccer/basketball/mahjong/dreadful karaoke-ing.

So the lights went up. 4 of them. And we were glad, very glad. Finally we could play at nights which was good cos then everyone is done with school and work, come work up a 30 goal sweat and go back sleep.

Now comes the utter disgrace that is the mofo MP and the Town Council who have jurisdiction over this area. See, we didnt choose the location of the court. The "Esteemed" and "Professional" planners/architects did. We didnt say put it smack in the middle of 4 blocks such that every time the ball rattles the cage, it reverberates to ur living rooms. We can't keep quiet when we play. How the hell do u mime "Poda Pundai" anyway? Teach us and we'll try it out.

So there, now on any given day, multiple complaints go to the Police compraining that we is making too much noise at night. So their babies can't sleep, their elderly get frightened and die of shock, and the yuppies feel it interferes with their primetime tv serials. The record was 90 on a cold day last June.

Now, the mofo MP, says hokay, I is friend to the 'peeper' and graciously decided to compromise and switches the lights off at 830 everyday! Wait I don get it? You put up 4 mudderfucking good quality floodlights only to switch it on at 7 and switch it off at 830. I don want to comprain, certain things we work around. Cos we aint gonna stop playing, we will, till the cops come get us that is. But why? Why is the basketball court which is also embedded within 4 blocks not subject to such scrutiny? Basketball is a quiet sport? Or is it like a coupla tamilehs and melayus smokin and sweating is much more "dangerous" than a bunch of manjens doing the same thing?

Story havent end. As if to rub salt into already seething wounds. The mofos went one up on electricity conservation and fuckin switch on only 2 of the 4 available lights. This is really boiling point liao ma. KNN comprain to MP, nothing. Write letter to Town Council, nothing. Threaten to burn some sacrificial lamb alive to protest these atrocities, nothing.

You tell me. Now do what? KNN, soccer also cannot play. N they wonder why we're slowly but surely becoming a fatter society. I hear TAF club enrolments are on an all time high. The eediyot gahmen also think we stupid, TAF is just FAT spelled backwards ma. Still bruff us say Trim And Fit. Gosh!

Buay tahan must say again:

Kanina Buay Chao Cheebai!!!!!!!!!
On the FUCKING lights la!!!!!!!!!!
Election comin!!!!!!!!!


Have i mentioned? I stay in Ang Mo Kio? Stronghold of PAP power? The Prime Minister's Dragon Lair?

Election or no election. Sure no light. No need to bribe us with floodlights, there isnt even gonna be a chance to vote.

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