
Johari-San Says

Aight, I think this is enough for the entire Johari episode. Just showed me how the world got smaller and smaller, what with the ruckus I started in the afternoon ending up with the same link coming back to me from a friend in NZ.

I refuse to put up the Nohari window thing cos of obvious reasons. All bad traits inevitable trace themselves back to me. Haiz. To try that out however, you can always follow the link from aarthi's page.



(known to self and others)

clever, dependable, extroverted, intelligent, trustworthy, witty

Blind Spot

(known only to others)

able, adaptable, bold, brave, caring, cheerful, complex, confident, dignified, energetic, friendly, happy, helpful, idealistic, independent, ingenious, knowledgable, logical, loving, mature, observant, organised, patient, powerful, proud, quiet, reflective, relaxed, responsive, searching, self-assertive, self-conscious, sensible, silly, spontaneous, warm


(known only to self)


(known to nobody)

accepting, calm, giving, introverted, kind, modest, nervous, religious, sentimental, shy, sympathetic, tense, wise

All Percentages

able (5%) accepting (0%) adaptable (16%) bold (37%) brave (2%) calm (0%) caring (5%) cheerful (8%) clever (8%) complex (8%) confident (37%) dependable (8%) dignified (2%) energetic (10%) extroverted (32%) friendly (18%) giving (0%) happy (2%) helpful (8%) idealistic (16%) independent (18%) ingenious (5%) intelligent (43%) introverted (0%) kind (0%) knowledgable (16%) logical (16%) loving (2%) mature (10%) modest (0%) nervous (0%) observant (16%) organised (2%) patient (2%) powerful (2%) proud (10%) quiet (2%) reflective (5%) relaxed (24%) religious (0%) responsive (8%) searching (2%) self-assertive (8%) self-conscious (5%) sensible (2%) sentimental (0%) shy (0%) silly (13%) spontaneous (27%) sympathetic (0%) tense (0%) trustworthy (10%) warm (5%) wise (0%) witty (45%)

Created by the Interactive Johari Window on 18.2.2006, using data from 37 respondents.
You can make your own Johari Window, or view ah neh's full data.

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