
Nohari san

57% of people agree that ah neh is vulgar
57% of people agree that ah neh is cynical
71% of people think that ah neh is

Nuff said. All 3 also I experienced in just over 90 mins watching Scouse scum battle Trafford Dirt.

To Fergie, go fuck yourself.
To Crouch, glad you the one who scored.
To Smith, jump like monkey summore la.
To Van der Sar, why da you play, I buy MU win/draw cos thought you injured.
To Neville, didcha like the burgers thrown at ya? Thanks for the yellow card though. The payout was 1:3
To Park, when will they ever realize your worth and not play you with 3 mins to go.
To Rafa, ok so like we lom chiam pas and you take FA Cup la, MU take Carling Cup, we take Champs League. Aiggggggggggggggggght?

Like you know, the mark of true champions is graciousness in victory and for their opponents. Which is why when we felt Colchester just couldn't score, we popped one in just for them.

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