
Skin Tight

Aight, the new skin is up. I can only do so much to please all. I prefer wide open spaces. And no, I don't need anymore suggestions other than those I want to come up with, thank you very much.

Much much love and credit to Reena and Chitra who have taken time off to wade thru the sea of tags which I don't understand one bit.

Hence, the publicity:
Reena can be accessed through here The Strayed Ends of Insanity.
Her plugboard which is a new invention of the blog-age I guess is thru here Reena's Plugboard.
Feel free to "Plug" her.

Also, comments are available now. They will be moderated. So, if you smart jus use the tag board, cos anything goes. No censorship even. =)

If you see the need or desire, to use materials from my page, i.e. those gold embossed words of mine, do use the Permalink instead of cutting and pasting. Much appreciated.

Another call for contributors to KLK, KLK is going legal btw, our team of legal experts [you know the ones in Ali G's movie], over beer and weed have ascertained that the act of sedition is NOT being broken here. So feel free to email me your resume.


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