Beep Beep
So, the PussyCat Dolls went:
it's funny how a man only thinks about the [fill in the blanks]
You got a real big heart, but I'm looking at your [fill in the blanks].
You got real big brains, but I'm looking at your [fill in the blanks]
Girl, there ain't no pain in me looking at your [fill in the blanks]
I don't give a [fill in the blanks]
Keep looking at my [fill in the blanks]
'Cause it don't mean a thing if you're looking at my [fill in the blanks]
I'm a do my thing while you're playing with your [fill in the blanks]

Which is why the group is gonna split up. Any time soon people. Just like TLC, Destiny's Child and what else have you.
beep, pussycat dolls, psle, cloze passage
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Same with the appalling service standards. PMSing waitresses, shoe salesmen who frown at your unruly nails, high end boutiques who disregard anyone not dressed as per their mental stereotype. Heck, if I was a Gucci saleswoman, I'd be showering my time on that one lone punk who saunters in with his football jersey and berms and mocassins. Cos, I just know a punkster who dares to pull this stunt surely has the wallet to pull it off and just couldnt be bothered with sticking to social norms.
But, if you wanna raise service standards. Incentives are not the way to go. Why pay for something that was in your job description? I think the root of all evil in the shopping experience is definitely the fussy finicky consumer themselves. Especially in Singapore. We know how we are. Don't run away from it all and get defensive.
But also, read this, you might then understand the culture of service:

In the days when an ice cream sundae cost much less, a 10-year-old boy entered a hotel coffee shop and sat at a table. A waitress put a glass of water in front of him.
"How much is an ice cream sundae?" he asked.
"Fifty cents," replied the waitress.
The little boy pulled is hand out of his pocket and studied the coins in it.
"Well, how much is a plain dish of ice cream?" he inquired.
By now more people were waiting for a table and the waitress was growing impatient.
"Thirty-five cents," she brusquely replied.
The little boy again counted his coins.
"I'll have the plain ice cream," he said.
The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill on the table and walked away. The boy finished the ice cream, paid the cashier and left. When the waitress came back, she began to cry as she wiped down the table. There, placed neatly beside the empty dish, were two nickels and five pennies.. [25 cents]
You see, he couldn't have the sundae, because he had to have enough left to leave her a tip.
service, singapore
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Tumultous Thursday
All set at 4+ , since must register at 445. I already practice a bit a bit liao. Confident to pass. Good to go.
Reached there, rain started drizzling. Bad omen.
Suddenly I see these fellas tapping away at the laptop. PTI and some other corporal. So, I hand them my 11b and wait.
"Sir, you got register online before?"
"Huh?, Register for what...anyway I couldnt enter that site la..cos I technically not reservist".
"You mean you regular go study one ah?"
"Yeah la...how?"
"Alamak, sir, here regular cannot take, cos this is just trial gym IPPT only for reservists"
"Serious boh??!?!?! NEh mind..chin chai la."
"Sir,wait hor I check with my MSG"
The fella comes back shaking the head already I knew. A fucktype day is in the making. So, I was not allowed to take my IPPT, though I craved and had much enthusiasm to take it this fateful day. What to do, tmrw morning try at Sembawang lor. KNNBCCB. Fucking technicalities. Grumble Grumble Grumble.
And then, I went back, only to sit at my PC, grumble to the closest available person [my mum, its at these times that vulgarities are freeflow and tolerated].
Then, I left the house again, this time on the hunt for liquor. My babies. All cos some mofo supplier decided to abscond. Thankfully not with the money. That was safe and sound in the shoebox I store under my bed. Well, now you know? Come geddit. Thiruttu Rascals.

If you're wondering bout the 'thingy' behind the bottles, that my friends is the Commissioning Sword. Who knows you know. Who don know, I dont care enough to explain.
Which is why I trawled from Tekka [tequila] to Punggol MRT [absolut] and walked to Block 101B when it was supposed to be Block 110B [they're miles apart...for the jim beam and gin].
And, the day is done. Marked by one cheebai PTI and another cheebai supplier who just went AWOL on me. I "love" people who go AWOL. Damn my luck.
Thankfully, Tekka was a good experience. A regular gossip session with a friend's sister. Yeah, of all the gossip though, the stories always seemed to centre around one "target", the perpetual "wunderboy" of foolishness. And my my my what tales he had to ride the night. Especially about a person dear to me. Tsk tsk. The nasty things said made me blood curdle. And I don't mean Komalas tayiru kinda way.
Oh well, shit happens. Thank god, shit didn't happen when I was around.
ippt, liquor, tequila, sapphire, chivas, absolut apeach
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Result of that? 1 Record of Verbal Warning, 2 Letter of Warnings and an impending Letter of Warning [with monetary penalty] if I don't clear it by this Friday. Ahem 2 days time.
This is the ballsy issue. Why must we be so into this whole fitness regime. Like even reservists, ORD not enough, every year still must take the time to go train a bit and pass the damn thing. Of course the incentives do make it worth it la, but still. Irritating la.
Haiz. I'm a gonna go in tmrw and see what I can/cannot do. Then hope to rectify it overnight by Friday. Wish me luck.
5 mins Strong

Under microscope again. Are you my family or friend?
Good intentions, I'll accept it, but these are unqualified judgments.5 minutes strong and you've known me life long.
5 minutes strong.
You've known me five minutes and my life is slipping,
So tell me about my life because the clock is ticking.My first impression is all I'll give.
Take it and run. I know the deeds I've done.The prayers of the righteous availeth much,
Much more than their "guiding" touch.
Have you ever been faithful when you're under fire?
Shunned, but still remained the martyr?Is this the integrity that you seek?
Experience it, please, before you speak.Thank you for being there for me, in all honesty.
But could it be that my heart bleeds with the same sincerity?I love when I'm feeling tall as I smile at the crowd that claims my fall.
I love when I'm feeling tall, because I stood up through it all.staple, five minutes strong
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Defend Your Turf
Enter this tourney then, brought to you by Nokia Asia: Defend Your Turf.

Design Taxi
More importantly, something I'd like you guys to read. Good articles over there by the editor and writers. One, I like a lot is Unblocking the Blog , part of the "The Driver Speaks" column. Read the rest too, available in the scroll boxes.
And do take your time through the rest of the site, I know navigation is a bitch. But hey, you can only put so much on one page ma.
Quote of the day: The only greek I know, is how to take off a toga top.
NTU Motorfest 4
Our friendly Mat Cisco: Quick Draw Sofian. Notice how his right hand is always next to his gun, just in case someone tries to jump into the Ferrari, hotwire it and steal it with the wheel clamps still on.
So, I decided to lend a hand and guard the exquisite machine myself. Me and Mat Surfer. His specs, way cool. Suspect got real time live video feed so his control center can keep an eye on the cars all the way.
Eh and then, before all was said and done. What did we see? Could it be true? Could the weavers of the 64 Indian cultural arts, the masters of the slink, also known as House House Acidhouse be here? At this show? Oh man. A shot we couldnt resist. Courtesy of inspirasi frm RT.
NTU Motorfest 3

ntu, motor, fest, ferrari
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NTU Motor Fest 2

Ali G's ride. The Renault Clio, check out the vents at the side.

MY Lamborghini Gallardo. Why is it that everytime there's a cool car, some KLK has to say "How, you like my car?" or "Alamak, how come they put my car here never ask me"

ntu, motor, fest, porsche, lamborghini, ali g, renault, clio
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NTU Motor Fest
The classic cars. We saw a Volvo P1800 and this Merc Benz 190SL. The Mini collection was as per normal, same cars different spray work. The Vespas, haiz,not so classic yet la, with Mat Motors still making it a popular ride these days.

The Bikes! Oh yeah...Harley Davidsons summore. Pity they only brought 2 along. The Screamin Eagle V-Rod Destroyer, fastest bike on earth. And a Softail.
ntu, motor, fest, porsche boxter, mercedes, lotus exige, harley davidson
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I am the God of Fuck

Virgins sold in quantity, herded by heredity
"who said date rape isn't kind?"
Porno-nation, evaluation.
What's this "time for segregation"
Libido, libido fascination,
too much oral defecation
White trash get down on your knees,
time for cake and sodomy
VCR's and vaseline,
TV-fucked by plastic queens
Cash in hand and dick on screen,
who said God was ever clean?
Bible-belt 'round anglo-waste,
putting sinners in their place
And the finale, to my detractors:
Yeah, right, great if you're so good
explain the shit stains on your face
Singapore Fashion Festival
Events are all at Ngee Ann City with live coverage via some really big assed screens being put up.
Do try and catch Ashley Isham [the pride of Singapore], Triumph Decadence and Desire, Nokia L'Amour featuring CK.
Also, if you got nothing better to do in life. Go be a volunteer. Hobnob with models and designers. I know I would. Also, give me a shout on where the models club. It could be a fruitful weekend after all.