

I was at Amaran yesterday. Yes, a KLKlub with big ass proportions. Since their days at East Coast, they've been the ones who had the biggest floor space. A good thing nonetheless, if you'd gone to the old Notti9 at Clarke Quay or even cramped Raagawood, you'd understand why space is important. Especially when ducking flying beer jugs is a prime priority.

It was their grand opening, no wait, it was the grand OFFICIAL opening. This I don't get. Why open a place and hold the opening like a month later. Like duh? We know its open ma. Went with my mate, Sara, producer of Planet Galatta, also owner of Cheeky Monkeys, Ajantha Beauty Parlour and his very own production company Art of Entertainment. There, publicity done. And please, do get the PG Cd... It IS good. And watch out for Season 2, with another full album in the works.

Anyway, the GOH was Dr. Gangai Amaran. Music director of vethaleh potta shioku-leh fame. I know you'd never thought of it. But the shiokuleh in the song..was derived from us in Singapore. Him and his contacts over here. Betcha didnt realize right? Doctor in brain surgery he is not. But his tamil is fuckin flawless. Fantastic. The way he rolls words omg...Ali G would go R.E.S.T.E.C.P.
A recent photo of him:
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He's the perfect person to pull of the entire P.Diddy white suit routine. He was in all white yesterday, and it was concurred that he should have wore white shoes too instead of black, and brought a cane along. Pimpin aint pimpin aint easy man.

So yes, the fanfare began. Cut cake la, give token of appreciation to other guests la. Drink la [of course]. Met friends, met enemies, met nobodies, met somebodies. All in a days work. It's all in the game.

Oh yes, Taal by NTU ISCS was good. I hope. I only found the singing bits boring. I think all shows should just delete singing as a category to compete in. Unless everyones gonna do it Ms. Banu style with Machan Meesai. Damn that girl rocked. So, it was unfortunate that the KLKelong-kia judges reared their ugly penheads to give her what could be termed the last prize. In show terms, the consolation prize. Must console the losers ma. Bet you never stopped to think of that term too. Another confirmed kelong win for SP-X. Really la, get a better name. All these groups with their X signs and "House" signs and Peace signs. Getting a tad too boring.

Awaiting many photos from the show. Here's one, me n my friend Diana. A teacher. Pardon the freaky blue light. It's interior designers like these that win awards. Right.

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