

Would you believe it if I told you I havent taken my IPPT for the past 3 years? Ever since I set foot into NTU, and left my uniform to be decomposing in its ironed state till every holidays, I've never even spelt the word IPPT yet.

Result of that? 1 Record of Verbal Warning, 2 Letter of Warnings and an impending Letter of Warning [with monetary penalty] if I don't clear it by this Friday. Ahem 2 days time.

This is the ballsy issue. Why must we be so into this whole fitness regime. Like even reservists, ORD not enough, every year still must take the time to go train a bit and pass the damn thing. Of course the incentives do make it worth it la, but still. Irritating la.

Haiz. I'm a gonna go in tmrw and see what I can/cannot do. Then hope to rectify it overnight by Friday. Wish me luck.

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