
Mat Pandai

I know there are soo many racial stereotypes hanging around our atmosphere here. The more famous ones are Indians being drunk wife-beaters, Malays being dumb, Chinese being unhygienic and the Eurasians are plain horny.

But, from now on. No more Mat Jokes for me. Even if a Malay fella prods me on to do it. The Malays are cool fellas la, which is why whichever academic establishment I'm in, I tend to gravitate to the Mats more than the Indians. Beats me, they just seem less dangerous. =)

Even the Mats have names for themselves, Mat Guitar [usually under the block], Mat Jogek [Doing their reggaeton at Planet Paradigm], Mat Mabok [Mat who's a drunkard], Mat Anjing [Mat who loves Guiness Stout, look closely, their corporate image is a howling dog.], and the ubiquitous Mat Bodoh. No need to explain that. Which is why the Malay dudes are cool, cos they are over and above being so hard nosed bout racism and can even take jabs at each other.

A friend I shan't name asked me once incredulously: "You mean there are Malays in NTU?!?!?!??!"
I replied: "But of course". She went "Well, sorry la, I didnt know that Malays can make it to uni"

This thinking has to change. In fact there are tons of Malays in uni, all 4 of singapore's unis. And they have the capacity to excel in it too. I never bluff you. Go see the dean's list and ABP [Accelerated Bachelor's Programme] list yourself.

Today, however a revelation. A Malay dude, one big sized one, the kind you DON'T wanna run into in the back alley on a heated Saturday night taught me how to half my expenses for the month. Yeah, you might think, not hard what, just cut down this cut down that. Well, this maestro taught me how to save my dough without altering my lifestyle. In comprehensive and concise steps.

Cos this is how my financing looks for the month:
Handphone bill: -$230
Insurance: -$360
Transport/Meals/School: -$600

You do the math, and I aint even employed part or full time anywhere.

Thus for his utter brilliance he deserves my praise. He is the new breed.

The Mat Pandai


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