
Medical Woes

Just a heads up to all of you who use the NTU Medical Centre. Even for a minor flu infection, the prescription list can go to at least 4-5 medications thus bringing the cost of your MC [which is why we even go there] to about close to 20 dollars.

Take note: You don't have to even buy the medication if you don't want to. It's your choice. Or you can choose what you want to buy and what not to. They are private physicians of course, and selling expensive antibiotics is their forte. For example, if you got loadsa panadol at home, just tell her to shove the paracetamol prescription in some non-descript place.

Just a tip from a 3 year regular on lab/quiz days to get your MC.

But then again, hear this, one of my seniors, since graduated:

Doc: Yes, what's the problem?
S: Doc, I sick ah... Hangover.
Doc: Uh huh, well you got a quiz today I suppose?
S: Yeah, but head throbbing, can I get an MC?
Doc: Of course, but next time don't drink until got hangover. When you get home drink lotsa water and in the morning some hot green tea should do the trick.
S: Thanks doc, will keep that in mind...Btw the MC wherE?

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