The Porsche Cayman S. With signature Porsche ceramic braking pads.

Ali G's ride. The Renault Clio, check out the vents at the side.

MY Lamborghini Gallardo. Why is it that everytime there's a cool car, some KLK has to say "How, you like my car?" or "Alamak, how come they put my car here never ask me"

ntu, motor, fest, porsche, lamborghini, ali g, renault, clio
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Ali G's ride. The Renault Clio, check out the vents at the side.

MY Lamborghini Gallardo. Why is it that everytime there's a cool car, some KLK has to say "How, you like my car?" or "Alamak, how come they put my car here never ask me"

ntu, motor, fest, porsche, lamborghini, ali g, renault, clio
Generated By Technorati Tag Generator
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