
Taal Picts

Wokay. The pics is in. Bit bit only la, what to do. I don't own camera what so must tompang Gayathri's one. ah, here then the philanthropist, pretty Brahmin Gayathri. Last year show my one hand missing behind her, she stress, her mother stress, all stress. So this year, I is obediently show my 2 hands. To indicate no foul play.

Ah, Veera, another Gayatri she is.

The security cum backstage crew cum overall jokers.

This one don know why Gaya3 chup inside also. Must be 15 mins of fame syndrome again. The Planet Galatta crew with good buddies Kausi and Sara to my immediate left.

Lastly, the bitching crew. After Agni we had beers and bitched. After Taal, I had beer and we bitched. Krishna, the brother I wish i had. Kokku aka Nantha, and talent laden Rakesh. Last man's Anand. Do give their show a chance too. It's 25th March, at SP, by NUS Hindu Society in aid of The Autistic Association of Singapore.

I is missing one last photo of the swoon-some dancing girls. Sara, Hema and Prema. This gaya3 ah..haiz..do also don do properly. Ok next instalment with vids from Nag-Ling-Kia soon to come.


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