
The Toy

I remember when I was young, at the age when I was still begging for time to go down and play.

Sometimes, my mum brings me by the toy shop. Never TO it, just BY it. By toy shop I don't mean humungous Toys R Us, where the child in you runs free. Truth be told. I've never gone to a Toys R Us when I was young. We were kinda not in the income bracket to pay loads of dough for a damn boardgame, or a thingamajit that moves, or some freaky new remote control car.

I think the first time I ever popped in was like about 15, summore just following someone else who had to get a present for a kid.

So, back to the story:

When I was young and walked by a toy shop, inevitably I'd tug my mum's skirt hem and go "That one, that one!".

She'll go, "That's not nice" or "We'll see..another time" or "Shut up and just walk".

I've always been wondering though, what if the toy I'm pointing at and going "I want that one, that one only!" suddenly breaks free from its inanimate status, opens its eyes and mouth and goes "I want to go home with that boy too."

What then?

Will my mum be convinced to get me the toy?

Forward clock to present time.

Mum dissapears from the scene. Left just me and the "toy". I'm definitely able to buy it. But just waiting, waiting for it to open its eyes and mouth and go, "I want to go home with you too". What is it waiting for though? Maybe it's one of those ones that you gotta pull the string to wind it up then start sing song.

Weird twisted time warp I live in. But yeah.

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