
4D and Porn

The New Paper questions 2 upcoming PAP candidates on certain life-and-death issues.

Q: Do you buy 4D?

10-year-series answer: I used to help my dad buy 4D. Sometimes I play bridge or mahjong, but I do not gamble.

Out-of-the-box answer: I may try buying, to have a personal understanding of the citizens' weekly entertainment and hope.

Life itself is a gamble and entering politics is too. There will always be wins and losses.

Rear-Adm (NS) Lui: Buying 4D is a waste of money. But people buy 4D because they want to buy hope. It is their choice but I wouldn't do it.

I don't gamble, not even during Chinese New Year, even though I have known how to play mahjong ever since I was 6.

I don't buy shares either. I just put money with a fund manager.

Mr Tan: I don't quite believe in luck and I don't really know how to gamble. I bought 4D only once in my life. That was in 1990, when I bought my first car.

My colleagues told me they were going to buy 4D for the licence plate (which was 2814) and I had to buy it with them since I was the owner. I spent only a few dollars. It was more fun than gambling!

Q: Have you ever watched pornography?

10-year-series answer: When surfing, some porn sites will pop up automatically. I close them immediately and contact the relevant authorities.

Out-of-the-box answer: Who has never visited a porn site? But I would not waste my time on these sites. Besides, they are mostly similar and you get tired of it.

Rear-Adm (NS) Lui: I have never watched porn. But I do watch R(A) movies. I have never even stumbled across a porn site because I don't surf the Internet much.

Mr Tan: Yes I have looked at porn, but only once. When I was a recruit, some cheeky fellow from my platoon brought in a porn magazine. I think it was Playboy or Penthouse.

I was curious, just like any other NS man.

But I obviously don't do that anymore. I would not be setting a good example for my staff and children.

But it's also because of my beliefs.

I'm taught that it is not something nice to look at. So yes, I have seen porn before and I would be lying if I said no.

Then, I would be like a sheet of white paper and that would be very boring, wouldn't it?

Hilarious. Full article here: Link.

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