
5 months down

It's been 5 months down the road. A lot has changed. A lot's going to change. 6 am and I'm fuckin blogging. Imagine that. If it was 6 am, and I was twiddling with some differential equation I'd been working on for the past 2 hours, my mum would have praised me.

Firstly, thank you for the support. It really don't matter if you say it out loud. I know you, the sneaky ones. Reading me, 5 times a day. Checking back, squeezing in 5 minutes when your boss's back is turned. Well, numbers don't lie. Click for bigger picture

And, I know most of you have had a hairraising time with Internet Explorer while viewing my site. Ranging from the haywire frame settings to the general loading time. But, unfortunately dear friends, I cannot backtrack through technology. We can only move forward. Switch to Firefox. Trust me you won't regret. Use the button below the Google searchbox.

Finally, to clarify the appearance of soo many advertisements on the site. Apart from adding colour and vibrance the idea is to generate a measly, small income to offset the energy used to entertain you on a daily basis.

The Google ads however, which is the massive banner right at the top and the skyscraper ones on the right column, the usage of the Google search box and the downloading of the FireFox browser: Whatever is earned through these means will be channelled back to the Singapore Childrens' Cancer Foundation. Scout's honour [not mine, my brother's, but good enuf]

The others are for your pure consumerial purposes. You need to travel click on it, you're just irritated about 3 blue letters on a white background. Click on it. You feel like spinning the roulette wheel, click on it. And so on and so forth.

Something I feel I have to point out. USE THE GODDAMN COMMENTS. Be pro-active man. Tell me what you liked and what you didn't. Take the opportunity, call someone else a twit. Or a hero. Whatever rocks your boat or medulla oblangata. I swear, I'm a gonna take the tagboard out, well soon enough though. It takes up "valuable advertising space". heh heh.

The rest is self explanatory. A new feature I've added is the mailing list. Join it if you don't want to come in every time just to see the same first post staring ya in the face with those poochie eyes. Add your email to the mailing list, and be updated whenever I update.

At last, final publicity. Do visit the sister sites. Keling Killahs [updated now!] and Ah Neh's Shop. Not updated as regularly because they are very specific in subject matter, unlike the random ranting I can deliver here.


Singlish Word of the Day:
Malay equivalent of "ang-mor". A phrase used to describe Caucasians, with a slight pejorative overtone. Some have suggested that it is a deliberate mispronunciation of "mad sailor". This conjecture cannot be confirmed, despite its obvious appeal.

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