
HR woes

There is a big big problem with the work-world today. No, its not salaries, nor benefits nor the lack of hot stuff having holes in their pantyhose that you just thought you should point out at the coffee machine in the pantry.

No, its the fact that we as Singaporeans have got too enterprising. Too multi functional and too multi-tasky for our own good. See, this is the problem with bosses and top management. When they realize doing something in bonus of your work scope, it just becomes taken for granted that the same "lobang labour" is available all the time. No extra remuneration required.

Typical of the SAF too I feel. Which is why NSFs don't really bother putting in their 100% in no matter what they do. No sense of belonging, co-related to ZERO sense of appreciation. OF course there are the existence of those super bosses. The ones who understand, who reflect to what it's like to be in your shoes and what gives and what doesn't. Those, who understand you put in late hours today and ask you to come in late tmrw. Those who ask you to join them in the Mess on Friday nights, not course it is the "camp culture", but cos they really want to buy you a beer and ask how your week has been.

Speaking about multiple work functionalites then arises this main issue. What if, the work you end up doing most of the time, IS NOT the title of your job. I have a senior, a bloke I have utmost respect for, because his head is "wired" properly. And he is fuckin good in his job. At levels, I wish I can achieve. But when even he is disgruntled, and pens this, I truly dread returning back to the damn place, after all this academics is done. Damn, I don't even request to go back to keep in touch with current protocol during my hols preferring to transit to new, ungrazed pastures where I can see "other" people.

I quote, out of context in certain bits.

And there was this two ball-carriers who seems to defend whatever the big boss is saying, to the extent of rebuking others who were voicing out their concerns. One even went to advise everybody how to do financial planning and not squander all our salary, so that we will not have a difficult time when we transit to a second career. Nerd, what I do with my money is none of your business. Even if I live a 15k lifestyle on a 10k salary, its none of your business. I earn my money, I decide how I spend it.

I'm wondering if anybody out there feels cheated by your job interviewers who paint a different picture of the job scope just to meet his/her recruitment quota?

I took up this job to work as an air traffic controller. I was told I will be working 2 hours sessions with 30mins to 1 hour rest interval in between. The rest is necessary because of the stressful nature. I feel that those rests are important to enable a controller to be on seat with a clear mind. But I was not told of the many tasks I have to complete within those rest intervals. And I was not told that I have to be on seat with so many other secondary issues at the back of the mind. I'm sure it certainly does affect the perfomance of a controller.

I wasn't told that the perfomance will be assessed on how well you can write and the number of emails sent out (one of the bosses actually commented that young blood is required because they are able to respond to emails faster). It is not based on one's controlling skills or how many aircraft one can launch and recover at one time.

I wasn't told that we will also work as visit organizers, events management, Phua Chu Kang, coffee maker, electrical engineer, libarian... Go try figure out how these relate to us. Basically, isn't this like cheating? Just like those pimps, bringing in women and telling them they will be working as waitress when actually they will be working as prostitutes.

Full post here: Link.

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