

Grabbed off Kala:

i also found out sth abt my ex-classmate who retained together with me. she was really a "black sheep" in JC. u know those that really most of the teachers give up on. and now i heard she's studying in SIM, and a FULL TIME MANAGER! at a video store earning more than 2k per month!! AND AND AND, she is like one of the best students in her class! and she has her OWN CAR!!

wow my jaw just dropped when they told me that. im soooo happy for her. she was just a late bloomer i guess. wow so shocking but such happy happy news. :) HAH to all those tutors who thought she couldnt do it. HAH HAH HAH!

The teachers always get it wrong don't they? Pricks.

I've seen the inside of a principal's office too much to know that if you put the burden of judgment onto a 30-40 yr old teacher, they're gonna get it wrong. What with "their" idea on what makes a good kid and who is going to succeed. You fools. Getting an A in Chemistry doesn't guarantee your 5K a month job, nor an easy time in BMT, nor prevent your gfren from running away with some other "F" prick, nor your ascent up the corporate ladder, nor you not getting a head stomping at clubs while flashing your Visa Electron.

Get a life. Use some brains. No, seriously. I can just about point out on my radar the fools who were the "goody" ones, the top scorers and the well-behaved. Where are they now? In mediocrity. Release them into the jungle and they become bait for the predators.

It starts off in primary school though, where fools get incentives for attending school every single day. 100% attendance prize they call it. I've known pricks who sit through lessons with a 38 degree fever just so their record won't be spoiled. The things we teach the young ones. Sigh.

In JC, the ones who were perenially late didn't get their testimonials at the end of it all. Right, like some paper that states how courteous, kind, attentive and diligent you are written by a tutor who has no fuckin credentials in the larger world out there is going to help your job interview when the first thing you do is turn up late cos you didn't know there even existed a place called "Sunset" in Singapore.

Shoutout to Joseph Wong [Discipline master of RI], Desmond Tan [his doggie], Jeyakumar [Tamil teach], Katherine Ang [Discipline mistress of AJC].

Look at me now. You fuckin losers.

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