

Wot a busy busy day. I am utterly sad yesterday occurred save for the good news that came out of it at the end of the night. Anyway, yesterday in order to help a dear friend in need, I went down to assist in his deco of a particular couple's ROM. Interesting enough, the hotel in question though situated in a seedy area was quite up class, toilets included.

So, me and Arul M, got down to the dirty dirty whilst waiting for Arul J to finish up with his day job and come down. They're both brothers by the way and what a way these brothers are. I tell ya hats off to their sibling bond. Here are two blokes who live together, work together and party together. And its a solid partnership. Both also play in the same band for gods sake. RESTECP.

So, gettin the stage prep, table for the signing of the solemnization and ring exchange, 26 other guest tables and VIP table, followed by deco of the reception table and the stairs outside [did it anyway even though everyone's gonna be taking the lift direct to the level]; it was a tiring affair. This is the time where you thank your smokes for giving you a reason for those short breaks. At least you look forward to something.

The centrepiece on all tables. Picture aint as good as it looked while in the ballroom setting. Trust me on this. I is artistic.

The centrepiece on the VIP table. Imagine this in place of the oil lamp then on the pic above. The fishies couldn't be co-erced to take a proper shot. 2 goldfish there was swimming all through the night. The same fishies which many people tried to bully and torture! Bastardos.

A no good shot of the stage. KNN Arul J, so scared to take pictures of our handiwork. Hahaha, granted not our function la, but still. We need something for the portfolio right.

It was going well too, the bride came and said "i like it". Was enough for us. Setup and confirmed liao, we go relax wait for the proceedings to start since we're gonna be tearing the place down later anyway. Arul J arrived with BK. Chow time!

As usual, slated to start at 7 and the food ppl themselves only got there at 7. Guests can say a good 8 pm with exception of head table. Now, this is the first event either of us has taken part in where we were really treated as "employees" or "people paid to do a service". In all other functions, most of them Indianized anyway, the clients have always had the hospitality to give us seats within the hall or even stop to ask if we've eaten.

So, for the entire proceedings, we sat outside. Tired, dazed, waiting for the never ending buffet queue to die down so we can chow. The mysore mutton smell lingering in the air really does wonders on a hungry tummy. BK chicken sandwich had since been digested and Coca Cola had since been pissed away into the urinals.

Arul M. with his "I have no idea what's happening" look.

Arul J. Fresh outa the office. The "Food! Food! When?!?!?" look.

Me with the self-explanatory "KNN, this wedding also got no hot chicks and thought can be anon but still see 3 boys, 2 girls and 1 uncle that i know" look.

And so we sat, never mind bout the culture-less hospitality-less clients but we were put through the horror of horrors. Apparently, the brilliant bride had contracted different people for different things instead of just going through one planner. Which each of the contracted parties could have done. Emcee was someone else, DJ was from some place else, Deco we did, food was from Kohinoor. Damn. What KLKonfusion. and it showed. The emcee was a wannabe prick who had no idea that an event like this should at the bare minimum have a programme sheet. Something that says at least, that this goes after this and that goes before this.

So, the KLKlown, ran the video montage at the same time as saying food is ready. Come on, you don't say go eat to Indians then say, but still, watch the video montage of the bride and groom. You also, should LEARN how a dvd player works before taking it into your charge. And you damn well, don't shout across the hall. "BRO! how does this work!" to us. When we really couldnt care less even though we provided the player and montage. Oh yeah, utter top class brilliance for the champagne toast that happened AFTER 3/4 of the crowd had left. You dickhead! Wannabe prick, with your shaven head cept for some pubes at the top. Tryin to be Mr T? Get a life "bro".

On a tangent, the next time someone you dislike goes "Bro" on you. Just respond with "scold my mother ah?". Technically speaking if he is your brother, then he IS implying that your mum is loose. Yeah?

Aight, all over and pissed off liao with the general rudeness of the ppl. We witnessed family political feuds, with one man sitting outside for a good 2 hours just waiting for his mum to finish her chit chatting, he refused to go in and sit and eat even. The father of the bride broke down in tears while giving a speech. He broke down cos he was in the midst of thanking his doctor in attending and his doc apparently has been keeping him alive for the past coupla months. But one weird thing was when speaking bout his daughter. His speech kept going back to she is "pampered", and the in-laws and groom needed to "bear with her" . Not quite 20th century material. Women don need to be beared these days. They feel THEY gotta bear with us. =)

A classic one-liner of his: "That is my second daughter who was born after the first one".

All taken down, the night ended. Payment time! Except it took too long to arrive. The bride told her younger sis [yes the one that's born second], to pay us while she went up to change. KNNBCCB that girl jus act blur act pretty sit down there talking cock with the others la. NNB. And the freakin emcee tried to poke poke the goldfish. Bastard! Bullyin animals that can't speak is the worst kinda cowardice.

Well, later we released the fish into the pond at MacRitchie. Hopefully they can survive more than a day and the burden of karma is not on us, but a poor turtle. Went for beer at my house coffeeshop and wasn't that an enlightening time. 6 bottles of Carlsberg later, the 3 of us were sitting on the starts of a goldmine business plan. Something that's gonna take time, money, effort and gonna rock the socks of everyone when it ever gets done.

Hoping for the best.

Adieu! [Exams on Monday :P]

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