
Samurai Code 2

Anyone who knows me well enough, knows that the fascination I have for the Japanese culture flows many many levels beyond the watching of anime. Shinto, the Samurai, Shoguns, Ninjas, the mannerisms of the people. They so fascinate me.

Especially the way of the Samurai. The fearsome but moralistic warriors of past eras. I wish I had lived in those times. A good but not highly extensive viewing of the way of the Samurai could be seen in Tom Cruises's The Last Samurai.

The code of the Samurai follows just 7 all encompassing values. Just, going through them you realize that every aspect and facet of life is covered within these 7 values.

Gi (Justice)

Yu (Courage)

Jin (Duty)

Rei (Courtesy)

Makoto (Honesty)

Meiyo (Honour)

Chu (Loyalty)

The Samurai Creed

I have no parents; I make the Heavens and the Earth my parents.
I have no home; I make the Tan T'ien my home.
I have no divine power; I make honesty my Divine Power.
I have no means; I make Docility my means.
I have no magic power; I make personality my Magic Power.
I have neither life nor death; I make A Um my Life and Death.

I have no body; I make Stoicism my Body.
I have no eyes; I make The Flash of Lightning my eyes.
I have no ears; I make Sensibility my Ears.
I have no limbs; I make Promptitude my Limbs.
I have no laws; I make Self-Protection my Laws.

I have no strategy; I make the Right to Kill and the Right to Restore Life my Strategy.
I have no designs; I make Seizing the Opportunity by the Forelock my Designs.
I have no miracles; I make Righteous Laws my Miracle.
I have no principles; I make Adaptability to all circumstances my Principle.
I have no tactics; I make Emptiness and Fullness my Tactics.

I have no talent; I make Ready Wit my Talent.
I have no friends; I make my Mind my Friend.
I have no enemy; I make Incautiousness my Enemy.
I have no armour; I make Benevolence my Armour.
I have no castle; I make Immovable Mind my Castle.
I have no sword; I make No Mind my Sword.

I have renewed my love affair with the men in armour and their friggin sharp swords that can slice through paper even.

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