
Sex Ed Sodoku

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Before you start sniggering at the utter stupidity of the said, since departed boy, realize that the matter at hand is much worse than we think it is.

It points to the fact that 18 year olds these days, are well just not 18 year olds of olden days. The brain still haven't grow. As I look at my juniors now, I also have that same feeling. The "man I wasn't this cock up when I was their age" feeling. The levels of maturity and experience level has obviously been greatly dimmed and shallowed as we proceed on to better our lives, raise the standards of living and convenience and in so doing somesort just shelter our youth even more from reality. But, sadly, sex ed is not the topic of the day, rather its cuckoo girls.

Touching on my conversation late late last night with a dear friend [one more time you dial with pte no, i swear i won't pick up. tak layan ah!]. Congrats on ya upcoming wedding dear, am sure will be fantabulous. And we always have a hot topic between us. A certain other. Cos we just quite blur why the thinking of the person so haywire. Till we realized, damn, most chicks these days have the same insane thoughts. Especially concerning boys. If I wrote this myself, it'd prolly seem like a "what the fuck do You know" post.

So, thankfully I have good solid backup. Backup that has already transcended the game, to get into marriage. A big sister if you will to the lil ones. Seen it all, now settled down.

So, our consolidated thoughts. Though we did jump around here and there digressing and transgressing thru different dimensions and time warps. But it happens. We're jus 2 kooky ppl.

1. Girls who are still with their very first bfren

This is a serious case of staying because of comfort. When you get comfortable, you don't want to leave. Who would? You don't have to second guess anything, whatever you need to know is already probably shown within the first year. and now you're on to your fifth year. All's good? Maybe. You've stayed soo long with the only male you've ever had intimate close contact with and it's totally fine if you've decided, this the kinda mate I wanna get hitched to. Wotif, you still question? Question what is the kinda man you want, need, who would complement something you just know this one won't provide.

Illustration here:
We found out bout an instance where one of "these" kinda women, so comfy in her relationship yet can't even decide if this is the man she wants to spend the rest of her life with; her bfren was spotted at the club passing another beauty his phone number and in another instance when asked "arent you so-and-so's bfren", his reply was "that depends. *raised eyebrow*".

People can only stay aloof for some time only ma. One fine day, it's all gonna backfire. I hope it does though and quick. So that there is a lesson learnt. If not, the power will always be on the male right? If he wanna get hitched, you prolly will follow suit. If he wanna jus string you along, hey you're in for the ride. If he wanna leave, you're pretty much fucked.

2. Girls who are looking for a husband in every bfren

Yes, we understand that that is the eternal destination. And being in a BGR is just part and parcel of the journey. But when you're 15, or 16 or even friggin 21. Just go into every new one, hoping to see what you might need in a mate and what you definitely don't. As like "Type 1" women, you can't just visualize scouting one out and hope that it works by hook or by crook.

Take a chance, explore. Not really the method your parents might prescribe but that's reality. You don't choose fish in the market by setting eyes on the first snapper you see. You check gills, poke poke, check if the scales are rubbing off. You get the gist. And if you don't already know, jus going all out to find a potential "husband" is just going to pressure the laid back ones.

Another reason why many beautiful, or look-beautiful relationships fail. Cos, the men just can't handle undue stress and you manage to provide it.

3. Girls who do non-comittal dating

By this, I border a bit of the Venn diagram onto "Type 2" women. These are the ones who date, some actively some passively, and can even go thru long periods of exclusive dating a single male but just don't put a label to it. And everyone of these women has their reasons. Some just lie the flexibility to be able to move on whenever they'd like to [a male trait though], and some are again tryin to find utopia on earth with the whole "i can only call you my bfren if i'm absolutely sure you're the one for me". But who is? The one for u? Type 3 girls thus, take the worst traits of Type 1 and 2 girls and manage to morph into highly volatile partners.

See, its quite simple. Men love freedom and flexibility. And now you give them that. Recipe for disaster. If you want someone bad enough, long enough, tie them down! A label is just that, a label. But it can be something concrete to hold on to during the rough patches. I wouldn't bother even apologizing after a conflict if you wasn't even a "gfren" of mine. Logical ma. And when the guy leaves, or cheats, or claims he's bored with the current arrangements, there go the Type 3s into angsty depression. Blaming the world, blaming men, blaming the broads who fucked their men.

Take a step back. Realize. It's your system that's to be blamed. This weird warped approach to the BGR issue. Either do it the mainstream way or find your own niche. But if things fuck up, be the first to analyze your own niche yeah? Instead of relying on close girlfriends who about the only thing they're good at doing is AFFIRMING that your way is the right way.

4. Girls who only start dating late

These are the goody two shoes, the introverts, the ones who were granted the fruit of freedom a bit too late and especially the low self-esteemed. All these Type 4 girls, start off late in the game. Alas, in the BGR game, there is no such thing as a "late bloomer". In fact, the later you start the harder you fall. Logically speaking, if you was a 15 year old girl and had a rough turn relationship wise, it's easier to pick up the pieces, learn a lesson in life or two about interpersonal relationships and move on. Imagine if you was 25 and got your heart broken. Crazy! Apart from the initial "How could this happen to me..." will follow the inevitable "I'm already 25..so old..so mature..how could this happen to ME". Need I say what follows next.

Do yourself a favour. Do things at the right time. Smoke at 15, date at 16, fuck at 18, get a life at 21, sit and realize how immature everything looks now and be a better person. =)

Somehow or rather, I don't think all the angles were adequately covered. Cos god made only one kinda man. The sex starved, power hungry, lazy ass type. But he unforunately put too much effort into making the women, too many types too many schizos. But yeah, cos "seerum paampai nambu, sirrikum pennae nambaathe" seems to be the line of the year, me still must swing to the male side ma.


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  1. oi! i dun understand tamil. translate please..

  2. is it the last para dear?

    that's "trust a hissing snake..dont trust a smiling woman"

  3. hmm.. ok, got it. and it makes sense too!
