

I loved my primary school. Be it the screwed up food [my mum used to get me a curry puff and visit me everyday in Pri.1], or the bigger 'boys' or the frequent scuffles regarding who used the hopscotch patch, the bball court and the monkey bars. Yes, we were banned from the monkey bars once, cos two punks decided to hang like monkeys and play a useful game called "King of the Jungle" , where you grapple each other with your legs and hook and pull with your lower body till the punk bites the dust. Needless to say, overzealotry led to someone fracturing his elbow and thus we was banned for a bit.

Another game we concocted was cos of the existence of this very very sharp hump on the outset of the lead-up to the service road leading to the back of the canteen. Lorrys and pickups passed there regularly, so to ensure they didnt kill no children, "future of the nation", they installed a hump that might as well be called a wedge. Irregardless, the fad of the time was also this twenty dollar OP wallet, the black one with the silver plate inscribed Ocean Pacific. Whoever had it was some kinda celeb in their own way. Objective of the game, two people stand on either side of the hump. Rest of the players get on the hump in an innate balancing act. Wallet gets spun and thrown frisbee like. Whoever the wallet touches, is out. Last man on the hump wins. And gets to be one of the throwers. Knowing our violent tendencies there was a technique to throwing this wallet. The metal bit can scratch and bruise and what not, and it was the throwers' intention to always inflict pain. faster it fell, the happier we were.

Yes, I liked my primary school. I got banned from raising the school flag cos I tugged a bit too hard on the stuck pulley once and it fell to the floor. The students couldnt give no shit. The But the teachers went "OOOOOOOOOrrrrrrrrrrrrrr HOrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" and that was it. My flag lowering career was over. So, too was my prefect career. But that's another story for another day.

We also had a school field. Not ours per se but a shared one with Deyi Secondary. See we were Teck Ghee Primary [dialect] they were Deyi [hanyu pinyin]. And we fought, like hyenas over a fallen gazelle we fought over the use of the school field. Soon, there was a compromise. The sec skool boys could use the big goalposts but any green grass was free for all. So, there always were games during recess where we played perpendicular to each other and interfered in everyone's game. Also, worth mention is that we're probably the only pri school kids to get hauled up to a sec skool principal's office for a scolding.

Now, my school has vanished. Deyi has since been allocated the rights to knock it down, and build up a splendid bigger Deyi. Damn, Deyi looks like a rich, elite, independent school now. And my school merged with some other school and with only the namesake to show for it.

This was the old school crest:

This is it now:I mean just look at how they spoiled it man. It used to be blue and white, the school colours and looking retro as hell. Cool stuff the design too and a short n sweet logical motto: Achievement through Effort. Done deal. Now, we have Aspire and Achieve. WTF?!

And get a load of this crap:

The school crest comprises of a pair of wings, a globe, constellation and star.

The pair of wings symbolizes the school rising into greater heights, in search of higher aspirations and excellence.

The globe represents the important part we play in global development.

The star symbolizes our belief that every child is a winner and we aspire to bring out the star quality in each child.

The constellation represents our discovery of new knowledge.

Our motto 'Aspire and Achieve" urges teachers and pupils to step into the knowledge world and to work towards a common goal.

The pillar with the core values TGPS represents our effort in achieving our aspirations. Our core values are Team Spirit, Graciousness, Perseverance and Self-discipline.

Dissapointed. Thoroughly. Haiz. Upgrading has spoiled my alma mater. I'm also quite sure the plaque with my name on it as top student of 1994 is long gone too. Prolly whisked into the nearest recycling bin. Haiz.


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