
Liable for defamation?

I have a question. The SDP is being sued cos they were defamatory to the PAP and specifically our MM and PM, is it not? What did they say? They IMPLIED that the PAP was corrupt. That they had taken steps to cover up the NKF scandal. That they didnt do this and that to correctly rectify the situation. That the bomb had burst beneath their arses but they still denied it. Thus, they said a lot of stuff, and all of it IMPLIED that they was incompetent and corrupt. Thus, it is defamation.

If just IMPLYING that you are corrupt or a bitch or an idiot is liable for defamatory legal proceedings, what say you about this:

He said Gomez is a "liar" and a "bad egg" in the Workers' Party
And he feels party chief Low Thia Khiang has lower standards of integrity compared to Chiam See Tong of the Singapore Democratic Alliance.
Lee Kuan Yew dared the WP to sue the Government if what the PAP ministers are saying of their candidate is untrue.
Mr Lee said: "Gomez is a liar. When cornered, he says, 'I apologise'.

CNA Link.

DEFAMATION - An act of communication that causes someone to be shamed, ridiculed, held in contempt, lowered in the estimation of the community, or to lose employment status or earnings or otherwise suffer a damaged reputation. Such defamation is couched in 'defamatory language'. Libel and slander are defamation.

In layman's terms as simply as possible without all these legalese: The speaking of slanderous words of a person so as to hurt his good fame.

I don't know much about the law and all that. But, I'm quite sure calling me a "liar" or a "bad egg" hurts my good name very very much.

So what the fuck are you waiting for WP? Sue! Trust me! Sue! KNN peeper come and tell you, yes what I said is defamatory so sue me, and you just sit on your hands. This one balless act is definitely gonna deny my vote for you guys. Get some spine. Play the game. If peeper scold your mother, will you let them get away with it? Even if he's the Emperor of Singapore? KNNBCCB. Opposition is still a bunch of scaredy cats la. Tu lan. Thought at least got some quality. Haiz.

Another thing I notice about politicians, the more they speak, the more rot they talk. If you follow all the quotable quotes closely, you'll see the top men actually contradicting one another. One taps his forehead and says I'm 80+ but I'm still good up here, I can fight another election. Another one says the opposition leader is getting too old to handle his job. Duh?
But, for classic rebuttals watch out for Sylvia of the WP, she's a lecturer and she really has brains. Even the wordings of her rebuttals are short and sweet and I is very proud of her.

Cos, no one should get away with this anyhow:

According to Mr Wong, Mr Gomez never had any intention to apply for a minority certificate; he had set out to play a dirty trick on the Government.

Dude! I thought Nathan dissolved Parliament before all this hoo haa nomination bullshit. There is NO Government to answer to. Yet. Now you all answer to the good people of Singapore. Sike!


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  1. Anonymous2:29 PM

    it would be practically impossible to file and win a defamation suit BROUGHT ON by the WP.

    We're practically communist.

    it would be fair to say that anyone but the gahmen are allowed to speculate.

    with D&N's senior counsels on ya back.. they wouldn't risk it. all ya money gone leh?

    oh well.. the tides shifting slightly.

  2. i think its an issue of self pride. I'd rather an MP who has the balls to defend himself when called names, and why not at their own libel suit game.

    also quite an open-and-shut libel suit since they've already been quoted in the press (pap).

    wat pap need to do is prove beyond doubt that he IS a liar AND a bad egg. So, as long this fella keeps sick puppy demeanour he should win. If not, more ammo to say that trade unions, judges and the cops are all OWNED!


  3. Anonymous1:27 AM

    dfm suits oso need money mah!got bollz no money for what? show to the judge huh?

    siow tong_tongoz

  4. if ppl say me liar...confirm i win right as long no one can prove i am not. after all JG don't have long history of lying. BS maybe but lying not.

    Costs are borned by loser also what. Why need money in the first place? Most lawyers i know only invoice client AFTER everything is said and done, except a small retainer fee.
