
There She Goes

6 months back was it not. I was smitten. Very. It was the hair. It really was. Not the height, not the clean fresh face, not the subtle smile, not the delicate elegant demeanour. It was the hair. Silky. Flowing. Don't go chasing waterfalls.

Wife-like close. Sister-like concern. Mother-like nagging. Cousin-like presents.

The conversations. The songs. The pokes, the prods, the digs. My drunken walks. Her sunken void deck.

The tresses changed. The dresses didnt. I thought I saw something. I thought I didnt. Parted with the staff, the sea. Rollin good times.

It's back again. That feeling. The touching. The bumps. The meals. The jibes. The questions. It's still the hair. But more than that. I think. We'll see.

There she goes
There she goes again

Racing through my brain
And I just can't contain
This feeling that remains

Pulsing through my veins

She calls my name, pulls my train
No one else could heal my pain

Chasing down my lane
And I just can't contain
This feeling that remains

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