
Dean's List

When the drudgery of school ends on a Friday, sometimes little things pop up in your inbox to show how you aint the only one who thinks the management has gone cuckoo.

Dear All

You may notice that the Dean, Vice Dean and Sub Dean are now called Chair, Associate Chair and Assistant Chair respectively.

Do you like my new title???

Have a nice weekend .... STUDYING, of course

Regards Siow Yong

Lim Siow Yong, PhD
Associate Professor & Assistant Chair (Students)
School of Civil & Environmental Engineering

It's a sad day really when you study your ass out to get to your PhD and get a title that is synonymous with a piece of furniture. What do they give you when you retire? A gold plated chair? I won't be surprised. By the way, NTU doesn't own those feeble wooden or normal computer chairs you see nation wide. We buy $2,200 a piece, Herman Millers mudderfucker!


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