

I got this sms in the morning, from a friend I haven't even met before:

"Hey good morning. I had a weird dream with you in it. Contradictory to one of your dreams. You and your friends were on a roof top but you were sitting alone. I came up to you and you told me to sit on the floor. You asked if I've tried 'this' and put this white square pill in my palm. Was like "no", so I put it in my mouth and was waiting for it to dissolve and my friend who had an uncanny resemblance to sarah j.p. (jessica parker) scared me. The pill fell out while I was tryin to deny everything then her dog ate it went crazy, jumped down the building and died."

Now, I'm a drug pusher in The Matrix (red pill/blue pill) and I hobnob with celebrities from Sex and the City. Why, why, why!

Poor dog though.

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