
Rani Rampage

22nd of September. Many many birthday babies. But happy birthday to just Rani and Gaya a.k.a. tamilmagani [the one place u need to go to for awesome piece by piece tamil movie reviews].

The Quad-ders headed off to Holland Village this time. I don't know if this was the run-up to my birthday but the number of times plans got changed, and people said they could make it then couldn't then could then couldn't was hilarious.

Still, all of us managed to make it. No absentees. Except for one late mofo who just "happened" to think it was "normal" to keep 4 people waiting while he trodded off to his hostel room after lab to not even just lay his bag down but took the time to even bathe. Nao hia.

When we met Sim at Buona Vista, we was quite interested to know WHY Buona Vista? As Rani aptly pointed out, there was a straight bus to Holland from Clementi. Yet, Sim met us, in sporty gym pants summore [she explained she MIGHT be going to the gym later]. I later realized why. We walked la, all the way. This Sim is going to be taken on a huge ass treadmill ride the next time I is catching her at a gym.

2 lasses and their butts.

Selven and his well-toned, but hairy butt.

Vik, the fervent fotographer.
Taking a shot even after getting pummelled to the ground by people who didn't like their butts fotographed.

Thai Express. Looked good. Tasted good. Service charge sucked to the core. We was apalled. What are they? Some uber-chic French cuisine joint? Nao hia. Give rice, give noodle, give curry give chair, give table, give service charge.

Rani was looking sweeeeet in red. Selven was attempting to divert attention from his East Coast fish-farm love story. Vik was checking out Sara. Sara was checking out the cook. And Sim took half and hour to decide what to eat. I was the only sane one. Sometimes I thank God for my existence, you guys should too.

We're sorry babe. That we didn't get one whole cake. But, my choice of Oreo Cheesecake was solid nah? So, she blew the candle, cut the cake and we all dug in. Note the "we" in the previous sentence.

The Cake.
Courtesy: Me

Attempting to want to blow the candle out....

Till the cake nearly blew up in her face.
Thank god for the fire extinguisher.
Note to all: Oreos are flammable

At least we gave her first bites.
Before we all tucked in. Yum!

Sara with her pretty smile. Me smudging the camera. :(

And we'd like our sincere thanks to go out to Vikram for totally doing a "top" job as a photographer. I mean, you should be in Haaliwood dei, what you doing studying Computer Science. Nao hia. NNBCCB. Every photo blur. My face also blur. Buay tahan. Take your 02 and throw la!

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