
Nacho Libre

Have you ever seen a Jack Black production that sucked? School of Rock, Tenacious D series and now he stuns with Nacho Libre. Do catch it. There is never one moment where you have the time to go "Borrrrringgggg", cos even in the lull moments, you catch yourself wanting to hear more of Black doing his whole Mexicaaan accent.

Of course, his love interest is oh so sweet too. Mirroring that little quiet petite girl in Sister Act, remember the one that was too shy to sing? Sister Mary Alice was it? I could be wrong. Anyhow, Nacho is a priest who wants to wrestle. And earning money through his bouts, he puts better food on the table for the orphans at the monastery.

Solid Flick. Get the DVD even.

Nacho: Precious Father, why have you given me this desire to wrestle and then made me such a stinky warrior?

Nacho: Ok. Orphans! Listen to Ignacio. I know it is fun to wrestle. A nice piledrive to the face... or a punch to the face... but you cannot do it. Because, it is in the Bible not to wrestle your neighbour.
Chancho: So you've never wrestled?
Nacho: Me? No. Come on. Don't be crazy. I know the wrestlers get all the fancy ladies, and the clothes, and the fancy creams and lotions. But my life is good! Really good! I get to wake up every morning, at 5AM, and make some soup! It's the best. I love it. I get to lay in a bed, all by myself, all of my life! That's fantastic! Go. Go away! Read some books!

Nacho: [signing letter to Sister Encarnacion] Hug hug, kiss kiss, hug hug, big kiss, little hug, kiss kiss, little kiss.

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