
Drunkard Memorial

There has been a lot of talk about Praba being the proverbial lost sheep seeking his unknown shepherd. Story is this. We drank. He went missing. We was quite pissed he was missing. He later was found at home. He claims he was sent home by another mystery drunk in a cab. Couldn't be either of us, couldn't have been a perfect stranger. Only the Lord knows.

The Culprit: Ugra Chandi

The BFG smirks after another successful "Drag that down or I'll give you a smothering bear hug".

The Victim: Praba

"Chandi, you mofo. Watch your back. I'm like Solksjaer. The smiling assassin."

The Memorial for a missing Prisoner of War [POW]:
Tea Candle on half pint of Hoegaarden

Instead of dwelling on the symbolism of it all, we promptly finished the beer after the wax burned out. Beer unlike food should NOT be wasted. Think about all beer-less poverty in the rest of the world.

After the pictures, you oughta check out the aftermath both on his and RT's pages, HERE.


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