
Yo' Momma

I came across this great list of Yo' momma jokes. No, Nal it has nothing to do with my recent meeting of your African American [politically correct] hubby. Inspired actually by my revisiting old Eddie Murphy, Martin Lawrence and Bernie Mac stand ups.

Yo' momma's so poor, she has to take the trash IN!

Yo' momma's so poor, I went to her house and took down some cobwebs, and she said, "Who's tearing down the drapes?!"

Yo' momma's so poor, when I saw her kicking a cardboard box down the street, I asked what she was doing, and she said "Moving!"

Yo' momma was in NTUC with a box of plastic bags. I said, "What ya doin'?" She said, "Buying luggage!"

Yo' momma's so poor, I came over for dinner and saw three cookies on the table; I took one, and she said "Don't be greedy!"

Yo' momma's so poor, when I stepped on her door mat, she said, "Hey, you can't go upstairs!"

Yo' momma's so poor, I walked into her house, asked to use the bathroom, and she said, "Third tree to your right!"

Yo' momma's so poor, after I pissed in your yard, she thanked me for watering the lawn!

Yo' momma's so poor, when I asked what was for dinner, she pulled her shoelaces off and said "Spaghetti!"

Yo' momma's so poor, when I ring the doorbell, she says "DING! DONG!"

Yo' momma's so poor, when she goes to KFC, she has to lick other people's fingers!

Yo' momma's so poor, she waves around an ice cream stick and calls it air conditioning!

Yo' momma's so poor, burglars break in her house and leave money!

Yo' momma's so poor, the Somalians are sending HER food!

Yo' momma's so poor, I stepped on a cigarette and she yelled, "Who turned off the heat?!"

Yo' momma's so poor, she can't even afford to pay attention!

Yo' momma's so po', she can't even afford the "or"!

Yo' momma's so poor, she wipes with both sides of the toilet paper!

Yo' momma's so poor, the only time she's smelled hot food was when a rich man farted!

Yo' momma's so poor, yo' TV's got two channels: on and off!

Yo' momma's so poor, when yo' family watches TV, they go to COURTS!

Yo' momma's so poor, when she wrote a check, the whole bank bounced!

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