
Project Hearts For A Roof

A school mate of mine has requested me to publicize her efforts to fund a humanitarian project of hers through the sale of wine. Do have a read and contact her if you are interested:

Project Hearts for a Roof Mongolia 2007

Poverty housing in Mongolia 44% of the Mongolian population live in gers which have inadequate water supply, heating and hygienic facilities. Mongolia suffers from bitter winters of up to -40 degree celsius and the gers are inadequate to withstand the cold. With substandard living conditions, overcrowded quarters promote ill health and it impairs the people’s hope and self-worth.

What do we want to accomplish? Working in partnership with a nonprofit organisation, Habitat for Humanity. We share in their vision to eliminate poverty housing one house at a time and to bring to the home owners, pride in being part of the building process.

Red Wine: Miranda Somerton Shiraz Cabernet Merlot 2005/ 750ml bottle at $25
White Wine: Crate No. 31 Semillon Chardonnay 2004 Yenda / 750ml bottle at $25
Twin Package: 1 Bottle of Red Wine & 1 Bottle of White Wine at $45

This is no ordinary bottle of wine In the midst of celebrating Valentine’s Day and the Lunar New Year, let us keep in our minds that the people of Mongolia are undergoing harsh winters at this time of the year. As part of our fund raising efforts, we are hoping to raise your alcohol levels over the holiday season. Each bottle of wine will be boxed up, ready to be presented as gifts.

1. Contact: Evelyn Yap • Email: ukyou_@hotmail.com • Mobile: 97929537
2. Cash payment upon delivery.
3. Delivery to a designated address ( Date and time to be informed accordingly )

The proceeds from our wine sales will be able to help a number of families cope better with the winter temperatures next year. Help us bring warmth and hope into their lives. To those, who have contributed their ideas and support towards our project, I can’t thank you enough. Here’s wishing all a romantic Valentine’s Day and a prosperous start to the Lunar New Year.

About Us

Team Strength: 24 building buddies
Duration: 30th May 2007 - 19th June 2007
Location: Ulaan Baatar, Capital city of Mongolia
Team Composition: Humanitarian aid workers, students, teachers, financial advisers, accountants and entrepreneurs. Basically 24 pro bono workers.
In collaboration with: Habitat for Humanity www.habitat.org
Main Email Address: mongoliaproject2007@yahoogroups.com

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