
I'm uncool

Ah Neh is taking a short break. This is to focus needed resources i.e. time and cigarettes, to needy sources such as KLK and the Shop [fuckin creative right the name].

Also, I am very depressed that (Ra?)(Sa?)(Ka?)minder/KLKlinder has questioned my "coolness" and I quote if you are too lazy to do another left click and wait:
"Minder - hi. i think you're trying to sound way cooler than you are. and your grammar is quite terrible. have a nice day "
As much as I'm seething in anger like one hair in my armpit suddenly popped out of the crevice and went "KNN, WTF, le ho sei boh?" , I've instead decided to leave the minders and the pinders and the vinders alone and go after the cock suckers.

See, these are a special breed, the kind that just sit back play with their gonads, jus scouting, preying, HOPING that someone says what they would have thought of saying, yeah right, like in the deep recesses of your abyssmal mind?

And then they comment. And it always starts the same, get with the program la.

Creativity my friend.

Typical examples:

1. Oh ya! He/She is .........
2.You're absolutely right! Yada Yada Yada
3. OMG, how i wish I had your dick in my mouth and your balls in my hands so you could show me the "money shot" just the way I like it baby. Yum! And urmz..oh ya..nice comment.

You get the picture. Get off the fuckin bandwagon la.

The entire contents of this post were thoroughly checked via spellchecker, thesaurus, and the list of antonyms provided by Webster.
It has been shown that there are an average of 3 grammatical errors every 1 line.
The editor unfortunately is too cool for you, to stop to think bout what the fuck's soo nice bout the day anyway.


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