It's week 7 of the year. I know. Doesn't seem so right what with the many public holidays we've already had. But it's week 7 of school too. I.e. the week where all the quizzes flood in, and the week before recess.
And when quizzes come about, there comes the usual NTU bullshit that's thrown at us. For further background, click here: LINK.
But then again, when you are already 22 and gone thru 80% of the bullshit that can ever be thrown at you a.k.a. SAF, you tend to find ways to get around the problem instead of waiting for the shit to hit the fan.
By far, we are a unhappy lot. Unhappy with the chicks in school, the China tutors, the drony lecturers, the size of the campus and of course the rude economy rice auntie. But what we're fucking happy bout, is the way we lie,cheat steal [Eddie Guerrero's legacy] through our quizzes and exams.
Things are no more like before. In primary school and secondary school, well even college; teachers take great pains to ensure we dont cheat in our class tests. Tables get shifted la, the teacher does a mini 2.4 click route march through the winding maze of tables la, and squint their owl like eyes on all the tiny teeny boppers hoping to catch the next Guerrero in action.
But in uni, damn, suddenly its fucking laid back. Even mathematical based subjects have MCQ tests. We sit beside each other like as close as you would in the MRT. How to not cheat tell me? You gotta have the self control of friggin Mother Teresa to take this on. Pictorially this is how it is: Primary School/Secondary School/College


Notice how the chick is not figuring out "How to copy" but instead also cooperatively solving the problem together with the boy. Ah, gotong royong.
But this phenomenon not only exists in quizzes, of which we get conned that its gonna form a significant part of our final grades. I know for sure its a con job, heck i sat for 3 quizzes of soil mechanics last sem, did Ok-OK in them, answered all the questions in the final paper, i know most of it was wrong anyway, but still walked out with an F. How is it possible? Mathematically, cannot u know.
Although, in exams, in those giant rooms of rows and rows of earnest Indonesians/Malaysians/China- Chinese/Uuru-Indians writing dilligently till the last bell tolls while the Singaporeans look up at the ceiling and think "How the hell did those footprints get there?", this is not a valid cheating technique.
You might not see this:
But you sure as well, know there are "bits" lyin in pencil cases, calculator covers, toilet rolls and even the tried and tested write on ur hands/palms/chest(?)/legs....anywhere where a freakin formula can be scribbled on.
Yes, this practice IS prevalent. But I shall be honest, I don't cheat in exams, of course quizzes must la, if not you'll look "uncool" you see.
I shall just stick with takin an MC the next time I walk in through the big arches and just KNOW i'm gonna fuck it up.
ReplyDelete2.4 route.. good one!