After 1 strenous hour of Google, Yahoo and even searching travel blogs. It is now confirmed by me and 3 of my search compatriots [thanks sham, kala, bee] that there is absolutely no room in Singapore that has a jacuzzi inbuilt. Unless you are the patron of the Presidential Suite in certain 5 star joints. Thus, it is also sad that we announce to one and all that only S.R. Nathan can fuck in the jacuzzi cos he is the President after all.

This is extremely saddening. I have watched too much of CH 16 Discovery Travel to witness such appalling standards.
I implore, any boutique hotel owner out there. Hint hint owner of Hotel 1929 and Majestic Hotel. Please build a jacuzzi into the room la. Just a few ma. Make it a niche market. I sure come. Put a window at the eye level. Lagi better.
ShaMin: imagine...she hits an orgasm and she tells you its thanks to the pulsating water jets
ShaMin: Knn can jump down
i,shanker: shiok i don mind
i,shanker: sekali dick not in also she hit orgasm liao
ShaMin: don doubt the power of the water element dude
singapore, jacuzzi, hotel
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