
Library Activist 2

I don't know if you remember my lost library book. But if you don't click HERE.

This is the reply I received for my response:

Dear Mr Shanker,

Answer for Q 1 &2

Most of the cases we have handled, the books were found on the shelf despite that the books were not properly discharged by our staff resulting the item still in the user’s account. Book that we could not locate are likely due to other reason at the user end. We have a recent case a user later found that the book has been returned to NLB Library. You might have returned the book to us but the fact is that we could not locate it in our library.

Answer for Q 3 & 4

We need to purchase a new copy to replace the lost book and the cost of this book include a 5% gst. The process of purchasing the book and catalogue it required a staff to handle it and that is how the processing fee $20.00 comes about.


We can try our best to reduce the charges like take out the process fee and the overdue fine and you bear the cost of the book ie $33.40. Is this justifiable to you?

Thank you and Regards.

Ah, a few well placed words has saved me $22.80 outright. Now, to fight for the remaining 33 odd dollars. I'll keep you updated.


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