Well, apart from how I explained it to you guys. The real reason is this:
I wanted to become an atheist once, but I gave up.
They have no holidays. :(
The words of a crazed genius and his own symbiosis with the virtual.
Well, apart from how I explained it to you guys. The real reason is this:
I wanted to become an atheist once, but I gave up.
They have no holidays. :(
Being the world’s biggest rubber supplier, contract workers were brought in through British India Company to work in the rubber plantations of Malaya mainly from southern states of India.
Recently, this was used by Members of Parliament in Malaysia, resulting in uproar by the Malaysian community accussing the MPs of racism. Popular usage in Malaysia also suggests a tone of general disrespect to Indian Malaysians.
The similar mistake is done by Malay-speaking communities, Sikhs are called Bengalis, but they are Punjabis who speak Punjabi and come from Punjab. The Bengalis come from Bengal and speak Bengali as also do the Bangladeshis.
Do me a favour, just jump.
Need a nudge?
The proverbial stick up the arse pose. Or is it the, damn-I-can't-move-if-not-my-erection-will show pose.
Woman: How I wish, How I wish, How I wish ......I had tits like hers.
Indian KLK: Eh you know ah, I heard this so-and-so fucked that so-and-so before you know?
Malay dude [in his mind]: Fucking maapillai, always talk cock want. Think he still virgin.
And aint everyone looking for CHEERS: Where everyone knows your name.
I have immense respect for Mr Nathan, don't get me wrong, although the best president to date was definitely Ong Teng Cheong. He was more of a behind the scenes president but he got A LOT of laws changed, especially those regarding the national reserves.
So, of course you look for the seat right?
Where the fuck did it go? IF you are as colour blind as sum ppl who saw it on my phone are, the white part is the wall of the train, the grey part is that lining along the floor and of course the little orangy bit is the floor.
Too much right, haha. I know the old folk and pregnant are not really our favourite public transport commuters but still? Thank you SMRT. Obviously someone there has an eye out for humour.
A single MP representing the interests of those residents in the constituency.
The Parliamentary Elections Act requires that there must be at least 8 SMCs at any time.
We currently have a total of 9 SMCs.
We currently have a total of 14 GRCs, represented by a total of 75 MPs.
Who doesn't get them, hell even our bosses hate Mondays. I never known a mudderfucker who walks in all sprightly and happy on a Monday unless his fav soccer team just pulled off the win of a century, or he got 'some' early in the morning. Lotsa chicks hate doing it early in the morning. Why is thaT?
I still don't get it. Yes, your teeth aint brushed and you prolly have some dead skin cells that oughta be scraped off when u bathe. But damn! Do you seriously think getting a blow even after washing up is going to be all Dettol-sterillized? Enough bout sexual grouses... Still do enlighten me. I know you won't. Cos you, yes you the clown reading this goddamn shit i spout day after day just aint gonna come and say it like this: "I do have sex, I like sex, I think I'm addicted to sex and this is the answer you're seeking Shanker."
Oh yes, that is the way you spell the name. With a fuckin 'E'. A capital one. Like this: ShankEr. Ok?
One more arsehole that saves my name in his phone as shankAr is going to get a nice ass whoopin.
Why am I awake? Cos I chose to wake only at noon. YEs, despite my heavy heavy schedule, school from 8 to 8 today. Woke up, a bit too early for comfort, went back to bed and let my soil/mom/chem and environmental tuts fly away with the dusky sun. It's about 5:50 in the evening, entertaining myself with Martin Lawrence's stand up routine. Yeah I do have a whole collection of stand ups, feel free to call me for a loan. CDs not cash.
I needed some money urgently recently, and i just L.O.V.E.d the response I got from one of my friends, if u do still call ppl who don't help you that. Friend, such an overrated word. Yeah, this was my question: "Got some dough, return you mid Feb?". Her response: "I'm not a loanshark". I replied "Well, then give it without interest".And she went "...". Ah, the sweet scent of bitchiness.
I think one of these days I'll just get up in the morning and ramble to my mum in fluent Japanese. Anime is addictive. Don't breach the floodgates if you can't handle it. Series of the week? Full Metal Alchemist. Try it. The forgotten art of alchemy awaits.
Friend: You know those ppl who keep condoms for "emergency" use in their wallets?
Me: Yeah what about them?
Friend: Did you used to?
Me: Yup, till it stayed there too long, got deformed and the packet simply burst open.
Friend: If you kept it so long and didnt use it, why'd you keep it in the first place?
Me: Well, I'd rather have one and not need it than need it and then not have one.
Friend: *faints*
Logical what. On another note. Keep it a safe year. On the roads, in the bed and of course when you are doing mundane stuff like speaking on a cordless on a rainy day. Shit happens and Murphy is always watching.
Full Metal Alchemist
You didnt know?
See the comparison now?
Toilets. Handicapped toilets and why XiaXue didnt see the point of not using one is not the topic however. Let's look at toilet inventions for a change.
First things first, you ever been the first person to use a newly changed toilet roll? You know that terribly huge great ball of roll just sitting there and u're spinning it and spinning it to find the end so you can start on it? Remember how you used to turn and turn and turn [endlessly] and then thought sheesh maybe you're turning it the wrong way and then turn the fuckin wheel for aeons in reverse. And who the fuck came up with the smart idea to glue down the first flap anyway? Does it hurt in any manner to just let it be free?
Ok, assuming you've now already got started on the roll. Remember how rolls used to be when we were younger, thick mofo sheets that felt good on the bum? Now, toilet rolls aint even 4 ply or 2 ply I can't even ascertain if they're 1 ply. And you pull to get a moderate amt of roll and after like the first 3 sections the roll kinda just disconnects? And then now u're wondering what the hell shall i do with this, wipe my nose and throw it in the bowl or go for a second attempt, or combine 2 attempts.
Who the hell puts 1 ply toilet paper into such a huge roll that makes it virtually impossible for the laws of Physics i.e. Newton's Laws of Motion [pun intended] to fulfill. The forward force has to overcome the friction of the turning wheel and the component of the vertical weight of the roll. Goddammit!Now, you're done with your dump. Or so you think. Recognize now how most toilet bowls come with auto flush? The type that flush even when you're still halfway through? And don't gimme that bullshit that you don't jump in fright whenever it happens. I do. I'm like what the fuck, which cobra is coming up the sewer and roaring to bite me in the arse, which is the most tender spot in a human body for your information. And, as if its not enuf that it flushes indiscriminately, ever woke up after you're done and wiped your arse and it DOESN'T flush?
Now, you stand there thinking. Should I just run the risk of leaving the cubicle, but what if the shit stays there as a warning to other users? Or should I just sit back down and simulate a shit so the damn sensor will pick up on it and flush? Another dilemma to solve, fuck la i got no time man!
Ok, again assuming you're done with that stressful situation, now come the taps yeah. Please DO wash your hands after anything you do in the toilet, if not for cleanliness at least to keep up appearances yeah?
Now, these friggin taps also sometimes got those sensors that decide how much water you need and for how long you need it. And if you got fooled the first time, the fuckin bastard sensor taunts you and doesnt let the water out the second time around. And when you are wary of that old wily mofo by now, that's when less water comes out for less time. This happens until you physically walk away from the sink and simulate yourself as a NEW user of that tap, that's when the microchip relents and gets you back to square one and by now you don't trust machines, like Will Smith in I,Robot, and you rush your goddamn time into getting all the water you can get to wash your hands, wipe your face and do your hair.
Why? Why these inventions. The reason was simple. Toilets harbour the highest number of harmful bacteria of any other venue [this is the common misconception, studies have shown that a typical office desk has tons more bacteria than a typical toilet]. So, smart ass scientists or what not decided that no one should touch anything and everything could be automated cos you'd never know if the previous guy who pressed the flush had some kinda skin disease that's communicable.
Well, good job guys. Great inventions in the name of hygiene and cleanliness. So, Mr. XXX now has total confidence in shitting and peeing in his public toilet cos it is soo hygenic, and then what does he do after drying his hands? HE walks and handles bare-handed, that FILTHY toilet door handle of course!
Why am I not surprised? The ironies of technology...
Arul hard at work at yet another Scouts Report. Damn scouts! Haha. Oh well, and he wears that low class casio watch 24/7! One day gonna steal it from him in his sleep and destroy it.
And the lovelies that got me there.
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