The words of a crazed genius and his own symbiosis with the virtual.
I just don't get it. You earn your class as per how well you did what. And also once you exceed 4 yrs of academic time, you automatically lose your honours. This is the old system. Which means, an A student [not me] could be scoring As and Bs for 3.5 yrs and in his final sem just fail one fucking module and he loses his honours and also has to come back pay 6 mths of fees for just one goddamn subject.
But then here comes the cinch. The damned professors who teach have no idea exactly how much percentage your quizzes carry and some don't even release the quiz results to you, always promising to put it "online", then not doing so. Classic line : "The quizzes carry up to 20% of your final grade". WTF is up to? 1%? 3%? 19.99%? Just say la exactly how much so I know right! So I can calculate to see if I can keng the paper or I really need to be Einstein to achieve a pass grade.
Well, the only santas i saw were 3 gorgeous Santarinas at this small family run pub in Telok Kurau and one transsexual Santa with perky tits and a blonde wig but with Joscelin Yeo shoulders.
I dont' see the big deal bout this week, i.e. starting at Xmas and culminating in the New Year. It is my most dreaded week. An excuse to spend money, cabs [the only way i travel] got extra charges, food shops I like are closed and the spendthrift in me won't rest till the bank balance reads ZERO.
But holidays means more actually, a convenient excuse for all the siblings of the big big families of the 1950s to get together and have a huge party. You know the kind: 40 yr old women talking about the latest Indian movie gossip, chicken curry boiling on the stove, kids running all around and tripping over the minute specks of dust. Older cousins sitting around keeping a straight face though seething in disgust with each other. Dickhead uncles who speak like they know the world. Their pleasant wives who try in vain to keep their hubby's mouths shut. Yes, we all got crazy ass relatives... why not...makes the world go round. ;)
But the true joy I guess is to see the little ones play, here are the little pioneers of the most mindboggling dance moves and crap talk of my extended family.
My little brother, Arul
The love of my life. What will I do without him. Haiz. Presently representing Singapore in some HK Exchange thang with Scouts. Envy man, ask any uniformed personnel in Singapore, the pride of wearing a "singapore flag" patch beats any other badge or medals you can be awarded.
My youngest auntie's son, Kumaran
He has a deformity, but thank god no one in my family is shallow enough to think that makes him any less human like some "villagers" do. Fantastic fella, though he MUST grow out of his cartoon character "set clothes" soon or else I aint gonna speak to him. Aaaargh, the pain that the chicken little outfit gave me that day.
His sister, Lavanya.
Blossoming beauty. She didnt speak to me at all till 2 years back mostly cos I was seldom around these functions and she didnt know I existed. But damn, she's cute! My best bet for growing up to be a first class beauty.
My favourite auntie's daughter, Saras.
Fantastic girl, superb manners, attitude, humility and respect. My favourite cousin based on overall developmental potential. Hahaha. If only her mum let her beautify herself by straightening her hair and letting her pierce more ear holes.
My second last uncle's children, Revathi and Shivaanan.
My vote for the ones who will grow up to be non orthodox Indians. You know the kind, westernized to the max. Just grooving. Stubborn little fella that small punk, I had to discipline him last Deepavali by making him sit within a 30 cm by 30 cm square tile at my granny's place. N he got soo terrified he pissed on the spot. Hahahaha. He fears me and I like that. His sis on the other hand used to ONLY sleep on my lap on those road trips up north. Even her parents found it irritating. But what the hell, who wouldnt want me, tell me. Oh yes, they spent 2 years of their childhood in France. Cos my aunt who's in the air force did a stint there.
I thought I've ended but this photo is soo captivating I have to give dear girl Lavanya some more air time. So fascinated I am with this pic, that it is now my mobile wallpaper. Tadaaaaa :
Adieu Compadres!
Reading: LKY's memoirs.
Have never read so much hate about any other opposition politician the way he scathes about JBJ, though in a way. He writes in a way that compels you to believe.
P.S. He calls him a poseur.
I just finished Lord of The Rings. Yes, Tolkien's 3 book masterpiece of the fantasy genre, made into huge fuckin ass budget film. If you are already stumped at "Tolkien" and "fantasy", please get the fuck out of ya. I have no time for your "waaaah i love LOTR man ....i love LOTR ..legolas who?"
The star of the movie? Orlando Bloom as Legolas. Fuckin sexy bastard, even being a man my eyes couldnt leave him when he's on screen. Sheeesh. I have to put his shots o'er here. At least for me to masturbate to on my lonely nights.
Oh yes, Gandalf as the White Wizard. Amazing how I notice stuff when its not in boring elvish written by Tolkien. Frodo is such a prick face, I wish they'd given the ring to some other clown to take it to the mountain. Also, explain how his finger gets bitten off then it's all back to normal. If Gandalf is such a good healer... All of Saruman's armies should have been defeated just by sheer wizadry a la WoW [World of Warcraft].
Confession: I hate the book, Tolkien totally put me off the entire genre of fantasy for a good ten years. Even now I can only handle those little slim books. He writes like fuck and only he would understand what the hell he was saying. Wonder who Peter Jackson got his translations from. Movie's not too bad, lot of details lost but heck for a 9 hr condensation of a 3000 page trilogy, not too bad an effort.
Devan Nair died. I share the grief. He was a great orator of his time, JBJ in fact took quite a few cues from him. And LKY also did depend in the early stages on Devan Nair to scalp PAP victories. The most depressing thing about this ex-President of ours was that he was an alcoholic, at the time of his Presidency which resulted in him stepping down [definitely due to loads of pressure from the government] and of course his utter denial that he ever had a drinking problem in the first place.
Note to Straits Times: Don't start off a piece by glorifying the founder of NTUC and even within the same column remind the reader that he had a drinking problem. Praise the man goddamit, cos without influential and gregarious speakers like him, the British would never have realized the true threat of Communism, thus paving the way for much of the independence process. And he was a PRESIDENT! You really think S R Nathan, Wee Kim Wee, Yusof Ishak had no shortcomings even in their youth? It's time to remember a great man, long forgotten because he refused to come back to Singapore a land he helped to build. Well at least, he realized his true longing for his homeland by wanting his remains brought here.
Thus, here goes. A toast to C.V. Devan Nair, ex-president, union activist and founding father of Singapore. Hip Hip Hooray!
I need to end this here. Standby for blogicide, I have my ten cents worth on it in a bit, my 2 cents are free. Adieu!
On, another note, I don't expect much from people. Say only what you can do, and if you can't don't say. In the event you couldn't, apologize quick before it gets to me. I am quicksand, I never settle. Thank you for your time. Now please go fuck yourself.
Also, I'm going to put up the rest of the Christmas wishlist tomorrow, this time, the affordable range.
This is a true incident. Happened at the Ngee Ann City Fountain. I hope to god it's him/her. Call me man, I got more ideas for ya. Btw, damage to pump all the water out and pump it back in. Estimated at $5,000.
This ah-pek in my block. My block must be the richest in the district. Every mofo here scrimps and saves by living in a 4 room flat and can afford Mercedes E classes. Please learn to park la uncle, and no, just cos you can't see without your specs doesn't mean you get to use the handicapped slot.
A football firm is an organized gang that engage in fights with firms supporting other clubs. The fights mostly take place far away from the football grounds to make it as hard as possible for police and other law enforcement to interrupt. Football firm violence has in many countries replaced the more unorganized violence related to sports.
To avoid attracting the attention of police, many UK hooligans began to wear expensive European designer clothing in the .Designers popular with UK football firms include Abercrombie and Fitch, Burberry and Lacoste.
Coupla Firms you'd love to know:
1. Arsenal - The Herd [Shit football, shit firm]
2. Manchester United - Men In Black [Blardy ironic right?]
3. Chelsea - Headhunters
And, the more zany names:
1. Birmingham - Zulu Warriors
2. Leicester - Baby Squad
3. Portsmouth - 6:57 Crew
I'm inspired. What say we start a firm for Home United call it the Bishan Buffoons. Or maybe, Tampines since they the champs. Call it The Stag Elite.
Meanwhile, we'll make a tee first, every firm needs identification. How bout this one?
CSKA's firm
Where do i go from here? Only God knows.
P.S. The new font size good? Not? Comments...
Oh....don't we all!?!? Especially Jolie-Pitt and their adopted offspring. *Ptui*
"I've never lived closer to danger, but I've never felt safer.
I've never felt more confident, and people could spot it from a mile away.
And as for this, the violence? I gotta be honest - it grew on me.
Once you've taken a few punches and realize you're not made of glass, you don't feel alive unless you're pushing yourself as far as you can go."
Why you should read it:
This is not a storybook, for those of you have not been introduced to *ahem* non-ficiton yet. Also, do not look for a tell all expose on how 9/11 came to be. This is in depth analysis of all Middle Eastern/European/Asian/African countries which came to be involved in the greatest web of all time, Islamic Extremism. From way back to present day, meet the top dogs, the plans that succeeded and failed, and of course the hand that mujahideen Bin Ladin played in the entire theatre.
What I was reading:
Why you should read it:
The Haj is fiction chronicling a young boy's birth and then his journey thru his adulthood. Great in depth research by Uris will describe to you exactly how the state of Israel came to be and of course present day Israel-Palestine conflicts. Also, learn of plots to take down that tiny nation of Israel as compared to their nemesis neighbours and how at the end of the day, the Jews cannot be shaken off their pedestal.
Viva La raza baby! Tequila was flowing out of the coffers like liquid gold. I tell you, there was no time to look at Man U lose on the big screen [I'm serius, check the records] and the bartop chicitas AND the drunken fucks stumbling into your field of vision. Hmmm, was darn blardy packed. Its at these times I wish I can just smuggle in that badminton court umpire chair from my neighbourhood.
3. Halloween
All stops were pulled out for this year's halloween. My third one there in fact.The entire space outsid ethe clubs was used to create such a dark morbid atmosphere. IT was scary la I tell you, you step into this darkness illuminated only by glow in the dark stickers and suddenly the doorman who has his Darth Maul mask says hi. WOah..go slow there.. I still need to drink before I die of shock. ;)
Kudos to all the people who came with costumes, special praise to this group of 5 TP students, no idea who they were, but yeah they jus trawled club after club after club parading their costumes..haha.
4. Foam Party
I would have included the Beach Party too, but alas I didnt attend. Foam or beach, same concept. This year's foam was like wah lau eh, overboard right! Haha, quite unlike Vibes Foam parties for those who still remember Vibes where I received my clubbin education amidst Wednesday G-String nites, yes there wasnt no ladies nights then, just nights where if you clamber up the bar top and take off your G string, you'd get a free jug. Boy was that wild. ;)
Anyway, this is how it works with the regulars at Beach/Foam parties. Element in abundance? Water. Element in abundance, easily attainable at the taps of the bar? Water. Everyone is alert, everyone's on the look out. We jus wait and wait with jugs full of plain water..for just one unsuspecting clown and booooooooosh. He gets the full water treatment. I've been soo drenched that they've even not let me into an after party club cos they thought Iw as wet after washing up my own puke.
Did I mention, we use water guns too. I like water guns. U jus wait and wait for some drunken fuck who wouldnt know a dick from his toe to walk past and jus blast. Super Soaker 1 - Drunken Fuck Nil.
While I immerse in the fumes of my cigarette which is burning down to my fingers now, see photogs from all these past events and more.
At least credit to photography team, I'm in 3 of them. Mwahahaha. Page Loads can take quite some time, have some patience. I hate FLASH! Cheeky Monkeys.
What it's about:
The maniacal world of street car racing otherwise known to us only thru the eyes of The Fast And The Furious. Specializing in mountain roads, racers perfect the art of drifting [a specialized technique used to hug tight corners and hairpin curves]
Watch it for:
Learn anything and everything about driving. Pros and cons of street racing and the amount of brains it takes to be a racer, No ah Pek not you with that toyota corona and the "HIRED" sign. The sheer technical knowledge will astound you. From suspensions to carburettors, from turbo engines to 4WDs.
What I was watching last semester: Naruto [Currently Episode 160 as of today]
What its about:
The exploits of main character Naruto and his fellow ninjas as they pursue "the way of the ninja". Sudden and unpredictable plot twists engage you all the way. Friends become foes, enemies become allies, kids grow up to be intelligent albeit missing out on the maturity part, adults.
Watch it for:
Learn all you need to know about ancient Japan. The code of the samurai, though the movie is about ninjas. Ninja techniques, special skills and powers. Certain characters are also named to coincide with legendary heroes from ancient Japanese history during the days where samurai and ninja reigned supreme. Also watch for Tsunade's [she becomes the head ninja in the middle] huge tits. Makes you wonder if ninjas get down to the dirty dirty in the midst of it all or not.
What I am watching now: Bleach [Currently Episode 59 as of today]
What it's about:
A boy, couple of his friends and his family develop the ability to see ghosts. Good and bad. The good are sent to Soul Society ,something like heaven but far from it. The bad are called Hollows and need to be killed by Death Gods or they will continue preying on innocent human souls. All the characters have suffered some loss or another to Hollows. Ichigo, the protagonist, attains powers of a Death God thru weird means and battles to save his friend from execution. Meanwhile, there is a thick plot to undermine the political structure in the ranks of Soul Society. Gripping if not for the fuckin young punks who do their kawaiiii style speech sometimes. ;)
Watch it for:
Learn about the Spirit World. Especially from a nation where 95% of the population practise Shinto. Learn about netherworlds, happyworlds and special powers you have never thought of. If you think Tarantino is an ace director, the fella who directed this series has gotta be on par if not better, so well taken the anime is.
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