Lobang King is back. Since I'm doing it for one of me mates, might as well put out the offer to all. Authentic Adidas Original Liverpool Jersey 2006/07 for exclusive one time sale only.

RRP: Should be around $110
I give you $90 flat. Good enough? That's a 18% discount right there.
Lemme know what size too, see if got stock.
Interested, e-mail/msn/sms me ASAP.
Also, if you want any other club original jersey, other than the Scousers' gimme a shout too. Nothing is beyond me.
Adios Amigos!

RRP: Should be around $110
I give you $90 flat. Good enough? That's a 18% discount right there.
Lemme know what size too, see if got stock.
Interested, e-mail/msn/sms me ASAP.
Also, if you want any other club original jersey, other than the Scousers' gimme a shout too. Nothing is beyond me.
Adios Amigos!
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